Todd Strochlic

Todd Strochlic, PhD, VMD

Associate Professor; Assistant Dean of Curricular Integration

Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


  • PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology – University of Pennsylvania (2008)
  • VMD – University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine (2008)

Awards & Honors

  • Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)
  • Scholarly Materials and Equipment Research Award, for Plasmid Library (2017)

Dr. Strochlic is assistant dean of curricular integration and an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Research Overview

Dr. Todd Strochlic's research interests include protein kinases, oncogenic signaling, breast cancer and Drosophila oogenesis.

Research Interests

Protein kinases, oncogenic signaling, breast cancer, and Drosophila oogenesis


Protein kinases are key regulators of signal transduction pathways that mediate cell growth, proliferation, and motility. Via the addition of a phosphate group, these enzymes control the activity, localization, and/or function of substrate proteins. Consequently they play critical roles in normal development and are often dysregulated in various disease states. Most notably, protein kinases are frequently mutated in many human cancers and are often drivers of oncogenic signaling networks.

In the Media

“Todd Strochlic, VMD, PhD, Appointed Assistant Dean of Curricular Integration”
Drexel University College of Medicine News (September 26, 2024)


MAPKAP kinase 2-mediated phosphorylation of HspA1L protects male germ cells from heat stress-induced apoptosis
Williams PA, Kobilnyk HE, McMillan EA, Strochlic TI
Cell Stress Chaperones. 24(6):1127-1136, Nov 2019

Identification of Novel CK2 Kinase Substrates Using a Versatile Biochemical Approach
Chojnowski JE, McMillan EA, Strochlic TI
J Vis Exp. (144), Feb 21, 2019

The protein kinase CK2 substrate Jabba modulates lipid metabolism during Drosophila oogenesis
McMillan EA, Longo SM, Smith MD, Broskin S, Lin B, Singh NK, Strochlic TI
J Biol Chem. 293(8):2990-3002, Feb 23, 2018

Phosphorylation of the RNA-binding protein Dazl by MAPKAP kinase 2 regulates spermatogenesis
Williams PA, Krug MS, McMillan EA, Peake JD, Davis TL, Cocklin S, Strochlic TI
Mol Biol Cell. 27(15):2341-50, Aug 1, 2016

Ack kinase regulates CTP synthase filaments during Drosophila oogenesis.
Strochlic TI, Stavrides KP, Thomas SV, Nicolas E, O'Reilly AM, Peterson JR
EMBO Rep. 15(11):1184-91, Nov 2014

Diet controls Drosophila follicle stem cell proliferation via Hedgehog sequestration and release
Hartman TR, Strochlic TI, Ji Y, Zinshteyn D, and O’Reilly AM 
J. Cell Biol. 201: 741-757, 2013

Identification of neuronal substrates implicates Pak5 in synaptic vesicle trafficking
Strochlic TI, Concilio S, Viaud J, Eberwine RA, Wong LE, Minden A, Turk BE, Plomann M, and Peterson JR 
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  USA 109: 4116-4121, 2012

Phosphoinositides are essential co-activators for p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1)
Strochlic TI, Viaud J, Rennefahrt UE, Anastassiadis T, and Peterson JR
Mol. Cell  40: 493-500, 2010

Opposing activities of the Snx3-retromer complex and ESCRT proteins mediate regulated cargo sorting at a common endosome
Strochlic TI
, Schmiedekamp BC, Lee J, Katzmann DJ, and Burd CG
Mol. Biol. Cell.  19: 4694-4706, 2008

Grd19/Snx3p functions as a cargo-specific adapter for retromer-dependent endocytic recycling
Strochlic TI
, Setty TG, Sitaram A, and Burd CG
J. Cell Biol. 177: 115-125, 2007 *recommended reading by the Faculty of 1000 (Biology)

Arf-like GTPases: not so Arf- like after all"
Burd CG, Strochlic TI, and Gangi Setty SR 
Trends Cell Biol (review) 14: 687-694, 2004

Golgi targeting of ARF-like GTPase Arl3p requires its N-alpha-acetylation and the integral membrane protein Sys1p
Setty SR, Strochlic TI, Tong AH, Boone C, and Burd CG 
Nat. Cell Biol.  6: 414-419, 2004

Contact Information

Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
245 North 15th Street
Mail Stop 497
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.3664
Fax: 215.762.4452