Tatiana Bezdudnaya

Tatiana Bezdudnaya, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy


  • MS in Biology - Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (1996)
  • MS in Applied Mathematics - Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (1999)
  • PhD in Neuroscience - Research Institute for Neurocybernetics, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2000)

Tatiana Bezdudnaya, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy at Drexel University College of Medicine. Dr. Bezdudnaya also teaches Gross Anatomy, Microanatomy and Neuroscience to the first-year medical students.

Research Overview

Our research focuses on understanding neuronal circuits controlling respiration, assessing the potential for respiratory neuroplasticity following cervical spinal cord injury, and exploring how it can be therapeutically enhanced using various types of electrical stimulations, rehabilitation and drug interventions.

Current funding:

  • National Institutes of Health (NINDS)
  • Pennsylvania Health Department Spinal Cord Research Program

Lab Members

David Giacobbo, research assistant
Patrick McGinnis, MS student

Research Interests

Respiratory plasticity after spinal cord injury


"Pharmacological disinhibition enhances paced breathing following complete spinal cord injury in rats"
Bezdudnaya T, Lane MA, Marchenko V
Respiratory Physiology& Neurobiology; DOI: 10.1016/j.resp.2020.103514. (2020)

"Modulation of respiratory system by limb muscle afferents in intact and injured spinal cord"
Shevtsova NA, Marchenko V, Bezdudnaya T*
Frontiers in Neuroscience/Autonomic Neuroscience. March 29; doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2019.00289. (2019)

"Transplantation of neural progenitors and V2a interneurons after spinal cord injury"
Zholudeva LV, Iyer NR, Qiang L, Spruance VM, Randelman ML, White NW, Bezdudnaya T, Fischer I, Sakiyma-Elbert SE, Lane MA
J Neurotrauma. Dec 15; 35(24):2883-2903. (2018)

"Paced breathing and phrenic nerve responses evoked by epidural stimulation following by complete high cervical spinal cord injury in rats"
Bezdudnaya T, Lane MA, Marchenko V
J. Appl. Physiology. Sep 1; 125(3):687-696. (2018)

"Spontaneous respiratory plasticity following unilateral high cervical spinal cord injury in behaving rats"
Bezdudnaya T, Hormigo KM, Marchenko V, Lane MA
Exp. Neurol. 305:56-65. (2018)

"Integration of transplanted neural precursors with the injured spinal cord"
Spruance VM, Zholudeva LV, Hormigo KM, Randelman ML, Bezdudnaya T, Marchenko V, Lane MA
J. Neurotrauma. Aug 1; 35(15):1781-1799. (2018)

"Supraspinal respiratory plasticity following acute cervical spinal cord injury"
Bezdudnaya T, Marchenko V, Zholudeva LV, Spruance VM, Lane MA
Exp Neurol. 293:181-198. (2017)

"Histological identification of phrenic afferent projections to the spinal cord"
Nair J, Bezdudnaya T, Zholudeva LV, Detloff M, Reier PJ, Lane MA , Fuller DD
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiol. 236:57-68. (2017)

"Enhancing neural activity to drive respiratory plasticity following cervical spinal cord injury"
Hormigo KM, Zholudeva LV, Spruance VM, Marchenko V, Côté M-P , Vinit S, Giszter SF, Bezdudnaya T, Lane MA
Exp. Neurol. 287(Pt2):276-287. (2017)

"Perturbations of respiratory rhythm and pattern by disrupting synaptic inhibition within pre-bötzinger and bötzinger complexes"
Marchenko V, Koizumi H, Mosher B, Koshiya N, Tariq MF, Bezdudnaya TG, Zhang R, Molkov Y, Rybak I, and Smith J
eNeuro 3(2). (2016)

"Interdisciplinary approaches of transcranial magneticstimulation applied to a respiratory neuronal circuitry model"
Vinit S, Keomani E, Deramaudt T, Spruance VM, Bezdudnaya T, Lane MA, Bonay M, Petitjean M
PLoS One, 9(11). (2014)


"State-dependent respiratory dysfunction after spinal cord injury"
International Online SCI Research Seminars @IOSCIRS, online, October 2020

"Therapeutic effect of muscle stimulation on respiratory function after cervical SCI"
National Neurotrauma Society Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky, June 26-29, 2016

Contact Information

Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
2900 W. Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129
Phone: 215.991.8169
Fax: 215.843.9082