"Autoimmune Diseases of the Innate and Adaptive Immune System Including Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Chronic Arthritis, Lyme Diseases, and Alzheimer’s Disease"
Allen HB, Shaver CM, Etzler CA, Joshi SG
Immunochemistry and Immunopathology 1(2): 112 (2015)
“Studies on Acinetobacter baumannii involving multiple mechanisms of carbapenem resistance"
Sen B, Joshi SG
Journal of Applied Microbiology (2015)
"Biofilm formation by Malassezia furfur/ovale as a possible mechanism of pathogenesis in Tinea Versicolor"
Allen HB, Goyal K, Ogrich L, Joshi S
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research 6(6): e-11-14 (2015)
"Eccrine Sweat Duct Occlusion by Staphylococcal-Derived Biofilms: An Unexpected Signature Finding of Eczema in Dermatologic Diseases"
Allen H, Dasgupta TS, Todd SP, Cusack CA, Joshi S
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research 6(6):e1-5 (2015)
“Atmospheric Nonthermal Plasma-Treated PBS Inactivates Escherichia coli by Oxidative DNA Damage”
Yost AD, Joshi SG
PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139903, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139903 (2015)
“Phenotypic ESBL Detection in Acinetobacter baumannii: A Real Challenge” [PDF]
Litake GM, Ghole VS, Niphadkar KB, Joshi SG
American Journal of Infectious Diseases 11(3): 48-53, DOI: 10.3844/ajidsp.2015.48.53 (2015)
“Preservation of imaging capability in sensitive ultrasound contrast agents after indirect plasma sterilization”
Albala A, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Eisenbrey JR, Teraphongphom N, Wheatley MA.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 494(1): 146-151 (2015)
“Tertiary Treponematosis”
Allen HB, Hannaway M, Joshi SG.
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research 6(4): 1-3 (2015)
"Microarray analysis of transcriptomic response of Escherichia coli to nonthermal plasma-treated PBS solution"
Joshi SG, Yost A, Joshi SS, Addya S, Ehrlich GD, Brooks AD.
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 6(2): 49-62 (2015)
"Inhibition of biofilms by non-thermal plasma treated novel solutions"
Ercan UK, Joshi SS, Yost A, Gogotsi N, O'Toole S, Paff M, Melchior E, Joshi SG.
Advances in Microbiology 4(16): 1188-1196 (2014)
"Chemistry for antimicrobial properties of liquids treated by non-equilibrium plasma"
Kojtari A, Ercan UK, Smith J, Friedman G, Sensenig R, Tyagi S, Joshi SG, Ji H-F, Brooks AD.
Journal of Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery 4(1): 118-123 (2014)
"Calcium binding-mediated sustained release of minocycline from hydrophilic coatings targeting infection and inflammation"
Zhang Z, Nix CA, Ercan UK, Gerstenhaber JA, Joshi SG, Zhong Y.
PLoS One 9(1): e84360-68 (2014)
"Antimicrobial efficacy and wound healing property of a topical ointment containing nitric oxide-loaded Zeolite"
Neidrauer M, Ercan UK, Bhattachryya A, Samuels J, Sedlak J, Trikha R, Barbee KA, Weingarten MS, Joshi SG.
Journal of Medical Microbiology, 63: 203-209 (2014) (2013 Nov 6, Epub; ahead of print)
"Microbial and cellular responses to nonthermal plasma-treated alginate wound dressing: control of multidrug-resistant pathogens”
Poor AE, Ercan UK, Yost A, Brooks AD, Joshi SG.
Surgical Infections, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/sur.2013.050 (Apr 21, 2014)
"The presence and impact of biofilm-producing staphylococci in atopic dermatitis"
Allen HB, Vaze NS, Choi C, Hailu T, Cusack CA, Joshi SG.
JAMA Dermatology, published online; doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.8627 (Jan 22 , 2014)
"Acinetobacter: An emerging pathogenic threat to public health"
Joshi SG and Litake GM.
World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 3(3): 25-36 (2013)
"Patient demographics and characteristics of infection with carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in a teaching hospital from the United States"
Vaze ND, Emery CL, Hamilton RJ, Brooks AD, and Joshi SG
Advances in Infectious Diseases, 3(1):10-16 (2013)
"Nonequilibrium plasma-activated antimicrobial solutions are broad-spectrum and retain their efficacies for extended period of time"
Ercan UK, Wang H, Ji H, Fridman G, Brooks AD, and Joshi SG
Plasma Processes and Polymers, 10(6): 544-555 (2013)
"Institutional MRSA screening practice and policies"
Joshi SG, Hamilton RJ, Emery CL, Brooks AD
American Journal of Infection Control, 40(9): 898-901 (2012)
"An analysis of the mechanisms that underlie absorption of botulinum toxin by the inhalation route"
Al-Saleem FH, Ancharski DM, Joshi SG, Elias MD, Singh A, Nasser Z, and Simposn LL
Infection and Immunity, 80(12): 4133-4142 (2012)
"Porcine intact and wounded skin responses to FE-DBD atmospheric non-thermal plasma"
Wu AS, Kalghatgi S, Dobrynin D, Sensenig R, Podolsky E, Dulaimi E, Paff M, Garcia K, Wasko K, Fridman G, Balasubramanian M, Ownbey R, Barbee KA, Fridman A, Friedman G, Joshi SG, and Brooks AD
Journal of Surgical Research, 179(1): e1-e12 (2013)
"Detection of biologically active botulinum neurotoxin-A from serum using high throughput FRET-assay"
Joshi SG
Journal of Pharmacological & Toxicological Methods, 65(1): 8-12 (2011)
"Occurance of and risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at a teaching hospital in Philadelphia"
Gomes S, Altafi S, Garcia K, Emery C, Hamilton R, Brooks AD, and Joshi SG
American Journal of Infection Control, 40(4): 381-383 (2011)
"Isolation of Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 from non-cystic fibrosis pediatric patients from India"
Satpute MG, Telang NV, Dhakephalkar PK, Niphadkar KB, and Joshi SG
American Journal of Infection Control, 39(4):e21-23 (2011)
"Fulminating septicemia due to persistent pan-resistant community-acquired MBL (IMP1)-positive Acinetobacter baumannii"
Telang NV, Satpute MG, Dhakephalkar PK, Niphadkar KB, and Joshi SG
Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 54(1): 180-182 (2011)
"Modulation of botulinum toxin-induced changes in neuromuscular function with antibodies directed against recombinant polypeptides or fragments"
Joshi SG, Elias MD, Singh AK, Al-Saleem FH, Ancharski DM, Nasser Z, Takahashi T, and Simpson LL
Neuroscience, 179: 208-222 (2011)
"Non-thermal dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD) plasma-induced inactivation involves oxidative-DNA damage and membrane lipid peroxidation in Escherichia coli"
Joshi SG, Cooper M, Yost A, Paff M, Ercan UK, Fridman G, Friedman G, Fridman A, and Brooks AD
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 52: 1053-1062 (2011)
"Live pig skin tissue and wound toxicity of cold plasma treatment"
Dobrynin D, Wu A, Kalghatgi S, Park S, Shainsky N, Wasko K, Dulaimi E, Ownbey R, Sensenig R, Joshi SG, and Brooks AD
Plasma Medicine, 1(1): 93-108 (2010)
"Biological responses of Bacillus stratosphericus to floating electrode-dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment"
Cooper M, Fridman G, Fridman A, and Joshi SG
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 109: 2039-2048 (2010)
"Control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in planktonic form and biofilms: a biocidal efficacy study of non-thermal DBD-plasma"
Joshi SG, Paff M, Friedman G, Fridman G, Fridman A, and Brooks AD
American Journal of Infection Control, 38: 293-301 (2010)
"An increased incidence of biofilm-producing MDR methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a tertiary care hospital from India: Two years study"
Telang NV, Satpute MG, Niphadkar KB, and Joshi SG
American Journal of Infection Control, 38: 165-166 (2010)
"PER-1 type-extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase-producing Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates from India"
Litake GM, Ghole VS, Niphadkar KB, and Joshi SG
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 34: 280-283 (2009)
"Localization of the sites and characterization of the mechanisms by which anti-light chain antibodies neutralize the actions of the botulinum holotoxin"
Takahashi T, Joshi SG, Al-Saleem FH, Ancharski D, Singh AK, Nisser Z, and Simpson LL
Vaccine, 27: 2616-2624 (2009)
"The role of systemic handling in the pathophysiologic actions of botulinum toxin"
Al-Saleem FH, Ancharski DM, Ravichandran E, Joshi SG, Singh AK, Gong Y, and Simpson LL
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, 326: 856-863 (2008)
"Rickettsia rickettsii-infection causes apoptotic death of cultured Cerebellar Granular Neurons"
Joshi SG, Kovacs AD
Journal of Medical Microbiology 56: 138-141 (2007)
"An initial assessment of the systemic Pharmacokinetics of Botulinum neurotoxin"
Ravichandran E, Gong Y, Al-saleem F, Ancharski D, Joshi SG, Simpson LL
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"The Role of Exoproteases in governing intraneuronal metabolism of Botulinum toxin"
Simpson LL, Maksymowych AB, Kouguchi H, DuBois G, Bora RS, Joshi S
The Protein Journal 24:155-165 (2005)
"NF-kB activation suppresses host cell apoptosis during Rickettsia rickettsii infection via regulatory effects on intracellular localization or levels of apoptogenic and antiapoptotic proteins"
Joshi SG, Francis CW, Silverman DJ, Sahni SK
FEMS Microbiology Letters 234: 333-341 (2004)
"Nuclear factor-kappa B protects against host cell apoptosis during Rickettsia rickettsii infection by inhibiting activation of apical and effector caspases and maintaining mitochondrial integrity"
Joshi SG, Francis CW, Silverman DJ, Sahni SK
Infection and Immunity 71 (7): 4127-4136 (2003)