Rachel Van Duyne

Rachel Van Duyne, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Department: Pharmacology & Physiology


  • PhD, Microbiology and Immunology - George Washington University (2013)
  • MS, Genomics and Bioinformatics - George Washington University (2007)
  • BS, Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2005)

Awards & Honors

  • Young Investigator Scholarship (Travel Award), Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (2017, 2018, 2019)
  • Travel Award, 20th and 21st Annual HIV Dynamics and Replication Program Think Tank, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (2017, 2018)
  • Post-Doctoral Travel Award, American Society for Virology Meeting (2017)
  • Career Mentoring Advantage Program Fellowship, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (2016–2017)
  • Travel Award, Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology Think Tank, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (2016)
  • Travel Award, Fellows Award for Research Excellence, National Institutes of Health (2015)
  • Sallie Rosen Kaplan Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (2014-2015)

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

  • The Association of Women in Science
  • Healthcare Business Women’s Association
  • Women in Bio Society – Mentors, Advisors, Peers Group
  • The American Society for Virology

Rachel Van Duyne, PhD, is a research assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology & Physiology at Drexel University College of Medicine. She comes to Drexel from University of the Sciences, where she was a research assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Research Interests

Molecular virology of HIV-1, host-virus interactions, epigenetics of latency, drugs of abuse, pathogenesis, transmission, antiretrovirals


Dr. Van Duyne’s research focus in the Klase Lab is to understand the molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 replication by investigating cellular and viral interactions. Despite the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-1 infection establishes persistent, long-lived reservoirs of infected cells in an individual. Attempts to understand the molecular and clinical mechanisms of HIV-1 latency are necessary to develop strategies to reverse latency and eliminate viral reservoirs. However, confounding factors such as substance abuse disorders may serve to complicate methods of HIV-1 eradication. Of particular interest is to determine the effects of exposure of HIV-1 infected cells, both in the periphery and in the CNS, to drugs of abuse.

We utilize a combination of molecular virology, molecular biology, in vitro modeling, and imaging approaches to explore the interplay of drugs of abuse and HIV-1 replication. We look at the level of transcriptional control of integrated HIV-1 proviruses by characterizing the epigenetic and chromatin landscape surrounding the HIV-1 promoter (long-terminal repeat, LTR) in response to various treatments. This includes mechanisms of action of transcription factors (such as RUNX1) and viral proteins (such as Tat), as well as post-translational modifications of histones. We also are interested in determining the efficiency of establishment and reactivation of HIV-1 infected cells from latency in the presence and absence of drugs of abuse and latency reversal agents (LRAs). Finally, we are interested in identifying integrated proviruses in HIV-1 infected cells (in vitro and ex vivo) combined with real-time visualization of chromatin changes in response to drugs of abuse.

Taken together, the characterization of chromatin modifications in HIV-1 infected cells in response to drugs of abuse will aid in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms surrounding HIV-1 latency and pathogenesis.


“RUNX inhibition drives alteration of chromatin at the integrated HIV-1 LTR”
Elbezanti W, Lin A, Schirling A, Jackson A, Marshall M, Van Duyne R, Maldarelli F, Sardo L, Klase Z
Viruses, 12(2): 191 (2020)

“Mutations in the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein can broadly rescue blocks at multiple steps in the virus replication cycle” 
Van Duyne R, Kuo LS, Pham P, Fujii K, Freed EO
PNAS, 116(18): 9040-9049 (2019)

“HIV-1 packs in PACSIN for cell-to-cell spread”
Van Duyne R, Freed EO
PNAS, 115(27): 6885-6887 (2018)

“Therapeutic Doses of Irradiation Activate Viral Transcription and Induce Apoptosis in HIV-1 Infected Cells”
Iordanskiy S, Van Duyne R, Sampey GC, Woodson CM, Fry K, Saifuddin M, Romerio F, Kashanchi F
Virology,  485: 1-15 (2015)

“Role of Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in HIV-1 Infected Cells”
Guendel I, Iordanskiy S, Sampey GC, Van Duyne R, Calvert V, Petricoin E, Saifuddin M, Kehn-Hall K, Kashanchi F
Journal of Neurovirology,  21(3): 257-75 (2015)

“Novel neuroprotective GSK-3β inhibitor restricts Tat-mediated HIV-1 replication”
Guendel I, Iordanskiy S, Van Duyne R, Kehn-Hall K, Saifuddin M, Das R, Jaworski E, Sampey GC, Senina S, Shultz L, Narayanan A, Chen H, Lepene B, Zeng C, Kashanchi F
Journal of Virology,  88(2): 1189-208 (2014)

“Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Infected Cells Secrete Exosomes that Contain Tax Protein”
Jaworski E, Narayanan A, Van Duyne R, Shabbeer-Meyering S, Iordanskiy S, Saifuddin M, Das R, Afonso PV, Sampey GC, Chung M, Popratiloff A, Shrestha B, Sehgal M, Jain P, Vertes A, Mahieux R, Kashanchi F
Journal of Biological Chemistry,  289(32): 22284-305 (2014)

“The Use of Nanotrap Particles Technology in Capturing HIV-1 Virions and Viral Proteins from Infected Cells”
Jaworski E, Saifuddin M, Sampey G, Shafagati N, Van Duyne R, Iordanskiy S, Kehn-Hall K, Liotta L, Petricoin E 3rd, Young M, Lepene B, Kashanchi F
PLoS ONE,  9(5): e96778 (2014)

“Break CDK2/Cyclin E1 Interface Allosterically with Small Peptides”
Chen H, Zhao Y, Li H, Zhang D, Huang Y, Shen Q, Van Duyne R, Kashanchi F, Zeng C, Liu S
PLoS ONE,  9(10): e109154 (2014)


Poster Presentations by Competition/Peer-Review

“Elucidating mechanisms by which Mutations in Env Contribute to Broad, Multi-Class HIV-1 Drug Resistance” 
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Spindler J, Wiegand A, Kearney M, Freed EO
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retroviruses Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, New York,  2019

“Elucidating mechanisms by which mutations in Env contribute to HIV-1 drug resistance” 
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Spindler J, Wiegand A, Kearney M, Freed EO
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Seattle, Washington, 2019

“Identification of HIV-1 Env mutations that confer broad resistance to antiretrovirals”
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Freed EO
Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland,  2018

“Identification of HIV-1 Env mutations that confer broad resistance to antiretrovirals”
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Kuo K, Fujii K, Freed EO
Gp41 Cytoplasmic Tail Structure and Function Workshop, Frederick, Maryland, 2018

“Selection of Env Mutations that Globally Rescue HIV-1 Replication Despite Impaired Cell-Free Infectivity: Implications for Overcoming Antiretroviral Therapy” 
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Pham P, Fujii K, Freed EO
Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, 2017

“Characterizing cellular factors involved in HIV-1 Gag trafficking to assembly sites”
Van Duyne R, Tedbury PR, Freed EO
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Seattle, Washington, 2017.

“Mutations in HIV-1 Env rescue replication defects despite poor cell-free infectivity”
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Fujii K, Freed EO
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Seattle, Washington, 2017

“Characterizing the host cell factors involved in HIV-1 Gag trafficking to sites of virus assembly”
Van Duyne R, Tedbury PR, Freed EO
University of Maryland Virology Retreat, College Park, Maryland, 2016

“Characterizing the host cell factors involved in HIV-1 Gag trafficking to sites of virus assembly”
Van Duyne R, Tedbury PR, Freed EO
Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland, 2016

“Characterizing the host cell factors involved in HIV-1 Gag trafficking to sites of virus assembly”
Van Duyne R, Tedbury PR, Freed EO
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retroviruses Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2016

“Characterization of novel mutations in the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein that globally rescue defects in virus replication”
Van Duyne R, Luo L, Fujii K, Freed EO
Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology (CEHCV) Think Tank. Bethesda, Maryland, 2015

“Characterization of novel mutations in the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein that globally rescue defects in virus replication”
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Fujii K, Freed EO
Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, 2015

“Characterization of novel mutations in the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein that globally rescue defects in virus replication”
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Fujii K, Freed EO
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retroviruses Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2015

Oral Presentations by Competition/Peer-Review

“Elucidating mechanisms by which mutations in Env contribute to HIV-1 drug resistance”
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Spindler J, Wiegand A, Kearney M, Freed EO
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Seattle, Washington, 2019

“HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein mutations confer resistance to antiretroviral inhibitors in vitro
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Freed EO
The American Society for Virology (ASV) 2018 annual meeting, College Park, Maryland, 2018

“Identification of HIV-1 Env mutations that confer broad resistance to antiretrovirals” 
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Freed EO
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retroviruses Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2018

“Identification of HIV-1 Env Mutations and Confer Broad Resistance to ARVs in vitro
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Freed EO
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Boston, Masssachusetts, 2018

“HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein Mutations Confer Broad Resistance to Antiretrovirals in vitro
Van Duyne R, Pham P, Freed EO
Viruses 2018 – Breakthroughs in Viral Replication. Barcelona, Spain, 2018

“Selection of Env Mutations that Globally Rescue HIV-1 Replication Despite Impaired Cell-Free Infectivity: Implications for Antiretroviral Therapy”
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Pham P, Fujii K, Freed EO
University of Maryland Virology Retreat, College Park, Maryland, 2017

“Selection of Env Mutations that Globally Rescue HIV-1 Replication Despite Impaired Cell-free Infectivity: Implications for Overcoming Antiretroviral Therapy”
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Fujii K, Freed EO
The American Society for Virology (ASV) 2017 Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 2017

“Selection of Env Mutations that Globally Rescue HIV-1 Replication Despite Impaired Cell-free Infectivity: Implications for Overcoming Antiretroviral Therapy”
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Fujii K, Freed EO
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retroviruses Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2017

“HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein Mutations Confer Broad Resistance to Antiretrovirals in vitro
Van Duyne R, Kuo L, Pham P, Fujii K, Freed EO
Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology (CEHCV) Think Tank, Bethesda, Maryland, 2017

“Characterizing cellular factors involved in HIV-1 Gag trafficking to assembly sites”
Van Duyne R, Tedbury PR, Freed EO
Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology (CEHCV) Think Tank, Bethesda, Maryland, 2016

Oral Presentations by Invitation/Volunteer

“Novel HIV-1 Escape Mutants that Contribute to Antiretroviral Resistance” 
Van Duyne R
Invited speaker for the University of Maryland Virology Program group meeting, College Park, Maryland, 2018

“Identification of HIV-1 Env Mutations that Confer Broad Resistance to Antiretrovirals” 
Van Duyne R
NIH Virology Interest Group (VIG) Seminar, Bethesda, Maryland, 2018

“Identification of HIV-1 Env Mutations that Confer Broad Resistance to Antiretrovirals”
Van Duyne R
21st Annual HIV Dynamics and Replication Program Think Tank Meeting, Frederick, Maryland, 2018

“Challenging the Paradigm for Antiretroviral Resistance through the Study of Non-canonical HIV-1 Escape Mutants”
Van Duyne R
HIV Dynamics and Replication Program Work-in-Progress (WIP) seminar, Frederick, Maryland,  2017

“Selection of Env Mutations that Globally Rescue HIV-1 Replication Despite Impaired Cell-Free Infectivity: Implications for Antiretroviral Therapy”
Van Duyne R
NCI Center for Cancer Research Fellows and Young Investigators Seminar Series (FYI-SS), Frederick, Maryland, 2017

“Selection of Env Mutations that Globally Rescue HIV-1 Replication Despite Impaired Cell-free Infectivity: Implications for Overcoming Antiretroviral Therapy”
Van Duyne R
20th Annual HIV Dynamics and Replication Program Think Tank Meeting, Frederick, Maryland, 2017

“Characterization of novel mutations in the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein that globally rescue defects in virus replication”
Van Duyne R
NCI Center for Cancer Research (CCR) Fellows and Young Investigators Seminar Series (FYI-SS), Frederick, Maryland, 2016

“Characterization of Novel Mutations in the HIV-1 Env Glycoprotein that Globally Rescue Defects in Virus Replication”
Van Duyne R
HIV Dynamics and Replication Program Work-in-Progress (WIP) seminar, Frederick, Maryland, 2016

Contact Information

Department of Pharmacology & Physiology
245 N. 15th Street
Mail Stop 488
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.4530
Fax: 215.762.2299