Christina R. Maxwell

Christina R. Maxwell, PhD, MTR

Assistant Professor

Department: Neurology


  • Master of Science in Translational Research - University of Pennsylvania (2013)
  • PhD in Neuroscience - Thomas Jefferson University (2011)
  • BA in Cell Biology and Neuroscience - Rutgers University (2002)

Awards & Honors

  • Thomas Jefferson University PhD Thesis Award (2011)
  • International Association for the Study of Pain Travel Award (2010)
  • Society for Neuroscience Travel Fellowship (2009)
  • International Headache Congress/American Headache Society Jr. Research Scholarship (2009)
  • TJU Alumni Association Travel Award (2008)
  • Faculty of 1000 Medicine: Maxwell CR & Oshinsky ML, Neuroscience 2009 Oct 17-21 :266.15

Memberships / Professional Affiliations


  • Institutional Advancement Subcommittee, Drexel University College of Medicine (2016 to present)
  • Institutional Review Board Member, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (2012)


  • International Society for Autism Research 2011 – present
  • International Association for the Study of Pain 2009 – present
  • American Headache Society 2009 – present
  • Research Society on Alcoholism 2009 – present
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science 2007 – present
  • Philadelphia Chapter Society for Neuroscience 2005 – present
  • Association for Women in Neuroscience 2004 – present
  • Society for Neuroscience 2003 – present

Postgraduate Training / Additional Certifications

  • Clinical Research Fellowship - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (2011-2013)
  • Translational Research Fellowship - University of Pennsylvania (2011-2013)

Christina Maxwell, PhD, MTR, is an assistant professor of neurology.

Research Interests

Translational neuroscience approaches to neurosurgical and neurological disease


Dr. Maxwell is a clinical neuroscientist with specialized translational research training. Her goal is to facilitate collaborations between engineering, pharmacology, biology to encourage translation from lab/bench to beside and back to bench. Drexel is unique in that it has a large population of neurosciences patients in an academic setting, where researchers can design and implement clinical trials based on observed unmet needs and pursue specific preclinical questions guided by clinical phenomena.

Dr. Maxwell's specific research interests span the neurosciences with concentrations in cerebrovascular disease, cognitive and movement disorders, neurophysiology, neuro-oncology and headache. Her previous research experience involved studying electrophysiology and biomarkers in autism spectrum disorders and preclinical models of headache and schizophrenia.


Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

"Can Emergency Department Physicians Safely Discharge Patients Presenting with TIA? Assessing the TIA Rapid Assessment (TIARA) Protocol"
Greenberg K, Eichorn D, Lesenskyj AM, Maxwell CR, D'Ambrosio M, Shukla C, Gliebus G, Veznedaroglu E, Binning MJ
M J E-Med 1(2): 017 (2016)

"An Analysis of Transient Ischemic Attack Practices: Does Hospital Admission Improve Patient Outcomes?"
Lesenskyj AM, Maxwell CR, Veznedaroglu E, Liebman K, Hakma Z, Binning MJ
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2016 Jul 20. [Epub ahead of print] (2016)

"Carotid Artery Angioplasty and Stenting Without Distal Embolic Protection Devices"
Binning MJ1, Maxwell CR, Stofko D, Zerr M, Maghazehe K, Liebman K, Hakma Z, Lewis-Diaz C, Veznedaroglu E
Neurosurgery 2016 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print] (2016)

"Atypical laterality of resting gamma oscillations in autism spectrum disorders"
Maxwell CR, Villalobos, ME, Schultz RT,Herpetez B, Konrad K,  Kohls G
J Autism Dev Disord. Feb;45(2):292-7 (2015)

"Improved door-to-needle times and neurologic outcomes when intravenous tissue plasminogen activator is administered by emergency physicians with advanced neuroscience training"
Greenberg K, Maxwell CR, Moore KD, D'Ambrosio M, Liebman K, Veznedaroglu E, Sanfillippo G, Diaz C, Binning MJ
Am J Emerg Med. Nov 28. pii: S0735-6757(14)00860-2 (2014)

"Early Postmarket Experience After US Food and Drug Administration Approval With the Trevo Device for Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke"
Binning MJ, Adel JG, Maxwell CR, Liebman K, Hakma Z, Diaz C, Silva R, Veznedaroglu E
Neurosurgery. 2014 Nov;75(5):584-9 (2014)

"Spontaneous trigeminal allodynia in rats: A model of primary headache"
Oshinsky ML, Sanghvi MM, Maxwell CR, Gonzalez, DM, Spangenberg RJ, Cooper M, Silberstein SJ
Headache 2012 Oct;52(9):1336-49 (2012)

"BAPQ predicts child social functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorders"
Maxwell CR, Parish Morris J, Hsin O, Bush JC, Schultz RT
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5:25 (2013)

"Acetate causes alcohol hangover headache in rats"
Maxwell CR, Spangenberg RJ, Hoek JB, Silberstein SD, Oshinsky ML
PLoS ONE 5(12): e15963 (2010)

"Ketamine modulates theta and gamma oscillations"
Lazarewicz MT, Ehrlichman RS, Maxwell CR, Gandal MJ, et al.
J Cogn Neurosci, 22(7): p. 1452-64 (2010)

"Blood-brain barrier abnormalities caused by exposure to HIV-1 gp120--protection by gene delivery of antioxidant enzymes"
Louboutin JP, Reyes, BA, Agrawal L, Maxwell CR, et al
Neurobiol Dis. May; 38(2):313-25 (2010)

Book Chapter

"Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in the Study of Schizophrenia: How Preclinical ERP Studies have Contributed to our Understanding of Schizophrenia"
Phillips, JM, Maxwell CR, Ehrlichman RS, Siegel SJ
In Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Schizophrenia, pg. 525, ed. Abel Lajtha, Volume Editors: Daniel C. Javitt and Joshua T. Kantrowitz; Springer (2009)


"Alcohol induces headaches in rats"
Maxwell CR, Oshinsky ML
14TH Annual International Headache Congress Junior Research Scholarship AHS and Merck: September 2009

"Transgenic mice expressing constitutively active GS exhibit sensory encoding deficits"
Maxwell CR, Liang Y, Kelly M, Kanes SJ, Abel T, Siegel SJ
Program No. 936.2 Washington, DC: SFN 2005