Bradford Jameson

Bradford Jameson, PhD


Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


  • PhD in Moleclar Biology - SUNY at Stony Brook (1984)

Bradford Jameson, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at Drexel University College of Medicine and co-director of the Interdepartmental Medical Science (IMS) program. He is the course director for Molecules to Organs and the thread director for Biochemistry for first-year medical students, and is also the course director for Medical Biochemistry for the post-baccalaureate program.

Research Interests

Medical and graduate student education; previous research focused on structure-based drug design studies for development of immune-regulatory compounds


Dr. Jameson is now involved in education full-time. His previous research interest was structure-based drug design studies for the development of immune-regulatory compounds.


Recent Research

"5-HT1B receptors play a prominent role in the proliferation of T-lymphocytes"
Yin J, Albert RH, Tretiakov, AP, and Jameson BA
J. Neuroimmunol. 181: 68-81 (2006)

"Serotonin is an Autocrine Survival Factor for Myeloma Cells"
Davidson HC, Tretiakova AP, Haynes MK, Aloyo VJ, Appelt D, and Jameson BA
manuscript in preparation)

Recent Collaborative Drug Design and Computational Engineering Studies

"Systemic treatment of cerebral cortex lesions in rats with a new secreted phospholiapse A2 inhibitor"
Cunningham TJ, Souayah N, Jameson B, Mitchell J, and Yao L
J. Neurotrauma 21: 1683-1691 (2004)

"Asymmetric usage of antagonist charged residues drives interleukin-5 receptor recruitment but it insufficient for receptor activation"
Ishino T, Pillalamarri U, Panarello D, Bhattacharya M, Urbina C, Horvat S, Sarkhel S, Jameson B, and Chaiken I
Biochemistry 45: 1106-1115 (2006)

"New Insights from the Structure-Function Analysis of the Catalytic Region of the Human Platelet Phosphodiesterase 3A"
Hung SH, Zhang W, Pixley RA, Jameson BA, Huang YC, Colman RF, Colman RW
J. Biol. Chem. 281(39): 29236-44 (2006)