Amy Althoff

Amy Althoff, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine; Medical Director, Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice

Department: Medicine: Division of Infectious Diseases & HIV Medicine

Practices: Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice

Specialties: Infectious Diseases, HIV


  • MD - Temple University

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

  • Infectious Disease Society of America

Amy Althoff, MD, is an infectious diseases specialist practicing at the Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice in Philadelphia, where she provides primary care and specialized HIV care. She previously served as an attending infectious diseases consultant at Hahnemann University Hospital. Dr. Althoff is board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases.

Clinical Services

Infectious diseases, HIV


  • Internal Medicine - University of Virginia (2010)


  • Infectious Disease - Yale-New Haven Hospital (2013)

Amy Althoff, MD, is an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases & HIV Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine. As an attending at Hahnemann, she supervised fellows, residents and medical students while providing specialty care to hospitalized patients. During her fellowship, she served as a tutor for second-year medical students, providing weekly bedside teaching on history-taking, physical examination and clinical reasoning.


Dr. Althoff is a project consultant for research regarding linkage and retention in care for recently released jail detainees. She has previously been involved in research regarding health disparities and appointment adherence in HIV-infected individuals.

Dr. Althoff also serves as a reviewer of manuscripts for the journal AIDS and Behavior.

In the Media

“Meet Dr. Amy Althoff”
Drexel Medicine Blog (June 2021)

“HIV Treatment: Delivering Hope”
Pulse (Summer 2019)


(See all Amy Althoff's publications in PubMed.)

Peer-Reviewed Publications

"Correlates of retention in HIV care after release from jail: Results from a multi-site study"
Althoff, A., Zelenev, A., Meyer, J., Fu, J., Brown, S., Vagenas, P., Avery, A., Cruzado-Quinones, J., Spaulding, A., Altice, F.
AIDS and Behavior, DOI 10.1007/s10461-012-0372-1, 2013

"Understanding the revolving door: individual and structural-level predictors of recidivism among individuals with HIV leaving jail"
Fu, J., Herme, M., Wickersham, J., Zelenev, A., Althoff, A., Bazazi, A., Zaller, N., Avery, A., Jordan, A., Porterfield, J., Simon-Levine, D., Lyman, M., Altice, F.
AIDS and Behavior, DOI 10.1007/s10461-013-0590-1, 2013

"State of the Art Care for People with HIV Who Use Drugs: Evidence-Based Approaches to Overcoming Healthcare Disparities"
Meyer, J., Althoff, A., Altice, F.
Clinical Infectious Disease, DOI 10.1093/cid/cit427, 2013

Manuscripts in Preparation

“'No Show Rate' Predicts Virologic Outcomes in a Largely Rural Population with HIV
Althoff, A., Schectman, J., Dillingham, R.

Book Chapter in Preparation

"An Overview of HIV Management in Prisons and Jails"
Althoff, A. and Altice, F.
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Bruinsma, G. and Weisburd, D., Springer, 2013


Conference Presentations and Published Abstracts

"Correlates of Retention in HIV Care After Release from Jail: Results from a Multi-site Study"
Althoff, A., Zelenev, A., Meyer, J., Fu, J., Brown, S., Vagenas, P., Avery, A., Cruzado-Quinones, J., Spaulding, A., Altice, F.
Oral presentation prepared by Amy Althoff; given by Frederick Altice, MD: IDSA Conference, San Diego, Calif., October 2012

“‘No Show Rate’ Predicts Virologic Outcomes in a Largely Rural Population with HIV”
Althoff, A., Schectman, J., Dillingham, R.
Poster Presentation, IAPAC: HIV Treatment Adherence Conference, Miami, Fla., May 2010

Contact Information

Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice
1427 Vine Street
2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.2530
Fax: 215.762.2531