
Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women's Health and Leadership Past Marion Spencer Fay Award Honorees

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View a full list of past Marion Spencer Fay Award honorees [PDF]

Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil, Honored With 2024 Marion Spencer Fay Award

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil, by the Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on November 7, 2024, during Discovery Day, which was held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The event included a lecture by Jagsi followed by the award presentation.

2024 Marion Spencer Fay Award recipient Reshma Jagsi with Nancy Spector and Ramesh Raghupathi

Dr. Jagsi is the Lawrence W. Davis Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Emory University School of Medicine, as well as a senior faculty fellow in Emory University's Center for Ethics.

Learn more about Dr. Jagsi [PDF]

Dr. Jagsi was honored with the 2024 Marion Spencer Fay Award for her transformative and uniquely impactful research, clinical care and leadership, and her work identifying and eliminating gender and racial disparities in both patient outcomes and career advancement in the medical profession, as well as her demonstrated commitment to mentorship. Her visionary and inspiring leadership embodies the legacy of Dr. Marion Spencer Fay.

2024 Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee

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Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD, MBA, Honored With 2023 Marion Spencer Fay Award

Nancy Spector, MD, and Marion Spencer Award honoree Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD, MBA, by the Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at Drexel University College of Medicine's Health Sciences Building in University City. Saphire presented a lecture, "How to Turn Competitors Into Collaborators," at 4:30 p.m., immediately followed by the award presentation and reception.

Saphire is the is the president, CEO and a professor at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology.

She was honored with the 2023 Marion Spencer Fay Award for her transformative, uniquely impactful ongoing research and groundbreaking discoveries in structural virology, as well as her visionary international leadership contributions in immunology and her demonstrated commitment to mentorship.

Learn more about Dr. Saphire

The 2023 Marion Spencer Award Committee with honoree Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD

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Nina Schor, MD, PhD, Honored With 2022 Marion Spencer Fay Award

Nina Schor, MD, PhD, at the 2022 Marion Spencer Fay Award event

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Nina Schor, MD, PhD, by the Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Thursday, November 3, 2022, in Philadelphia. Schor presented a lecture, "Development Is Forever: A Career in Science and Medicine," which was followed by the award presentation and reception.

Schor is the deputy director and acting scientific director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Learn more about Nina Schor, MD, PhD

She was honored with the 2022 Marion Spencer Fay Award for her transformative, uniquely impactful ongoing research and leadership contributions in neurology and neuroscience; for her work on building and sustaining innovative systems and programs designed to expand the understanding of neurological disease mechanisms that enhance patient access to cutting-edge therapies; for her work in inspiring and empowering the full diversity of the neuroscience workforce; and for her demonstrated commitment to mentorship.

Roshell Muir, Annette Gadegbeku, Nina Schor and Leon McCrea at the 2022 Marion Spencer Fay Award event

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Consuelo Wilkins, MD, MSCI, Named 2021 Marion Spencer Fay Award Recipient

Marion Spencer Fay Award recipient Consuelo Wilkins with Lynn Yeakel

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Consuelo Wilkins, MD, MSCI, by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Thursday, November 4, 2021, in Philadelphia. Wilkins presented a lecture at 4:30 p.m. immediately followed by the award presentation.

Wilkins is the senior vice president and senior associate dean for health equity and inclusive excellence, and professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She was honored with the 2021 Marion Spencer Fay Award for her groundbreaking accomplishments in advancing innovative, high-impact health equity work spanning research, education and health delivery; her pioneering approaches to engaging underrepresented populations in research; and her contributions to community-engaged research and health equity that will positively impact health outcomes for generations.

Learn more about Consuelo Wilkins, MD, MSCI

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Marina Picciotto, PhD, Receives 2020 Marion Spencer Fay Award

Marina Picciotto, PhD, 2020 Marion Spencer Fay Honoree

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Marina Picciotto, PhD, by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Thursday, November 19, 2020, in an interactive, virtual format. Dr. Picciotto presented a lecture, "My Journey in the Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction: From Molecules to Behavior," followed by a moderated Q&A session and the award presentation.

Dr. Picciotto is the Charles B.G. Murphy Professor in Psychiatry and deputy chair for basic science at Yale University. She is also a professor in the Departments of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, and in the Child Study Center. She was honored with the Marion Spencer Fay Award for her groundbreaking research on the role of nicotine in addiction, memory and behavior, and the biology of drug addiction. In addition, she is a leader in educational innovation and demonstrates a sustained dedication to mentorship and innovation in training.

Learn more about Dr. Picciotto [PDF]

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Carrie Byington, MD, Receives the 2019 Marion Spencer Fay Award

Carrie Byington, MD: 2019 Marion Spencer Fay Honoree

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Carrie L. Byington, MD, by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Wednesday, October 16, 2019, in the Student Activities Center on the College of Medicine’s Queen Lane campus (2900 W. Queen Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19129). Byington presented a lecture, which was followed by the award presentation and a reception.

Dr. Byington currently serves as vice chancellor for health services at the Texas A&M University System, and on October 31, 2019, will become the next vice president of UC Health, comprised of the University of California’s five academic medical centers, a community-based health system and 18 health professional schools. She was honored with the Marion Spencer Fay Award for her leadership in the study of pediatric infectious disease, her expertise and contributions in patient care, disease prevention, education and ground-breaking research. In addition to her stellar achievements, Dr. Byington has demonstrated an impressive commitment to mentoring and advancing women and underrepresented populations in the health care field, as well as a humanitarian approach to immigrants and rural communities.

Learn more about Dr. Byington [PDF]

2019 Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee and recipient Carrie L. Byington, MD

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2018 Marion Spencer Fay Honoree Is Jean Bennett, MD, PhD

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Jean Bennett, MD, PhD, by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Wednesday, November 7, 2018, in the Geary Lecture Hall, New College Building (245 N. 15 Street). Bennett presented a lecture titled “Seeing the Light with Retinal Gene Therapy: From Fantasy to Reality.”

Jean Bennett, MD, PhD, presenting her lecture at the Marion Spencer Fay Award Ceremony

Dr. Bennett is the F.M. Kirby Professor of Ophthalmology, professor of cell and developmental biology, and co-director of the Center for Advanced Retinal and Ocular Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. She was honored for her pioneering translational research in the field of ocular gene therapy, which has broad implications on the understanding and treatment of many human diseases. In addition to her stellar achievements and leadership, she is committed to mentoring the next generation of scientists.

Learn more about Dr. Bennett [PDF]

Honored faculty, IWHL leaders and Jean Bennett, 2018 Marion Spencer Fay Honoree

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2017 Marion Spencer Fay Award Honoree and Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Melissa Simon, MD, MPH, and a lifetime achievement award was presented to Vivian Pinn, MD, by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership on Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

Marion Spencer Fay Award winner, Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, with award committee
2017 Marion Spencer Fay Award winner Melissa Simon, MD, MPH, and Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Vivian Pinn, MD, with members of the Award Selection Committee.

Read the press release for more information [PDF].

About Melissa Simon, MD, MPH

Dr. Simon is an expert in implementation science, women’s health across the lifespan, minority health, community engagement and health equity. Her research impacts local-, state- and national-level thought and policy regarding inclusion and health equity, and is focused on improving vulnerable populations’ health and access to the health care system.

Melissa Simon, MD, MPH, Marion Spencer Fay Award Winner, with IWHL Director Lynn Yeakel
Melissa Simon, MD, MPH, Marion Spencer Fay Award Winner, with IWHL Director Lynn Yeakel

Learn more about Dr. Simon [PDF]

About Vivian Pinn, MD

Dr. Pinn is internationally renowned for transforming the understanding and treatment of women’s health, including sex/gender research and minority and women’s health disparities. She has long been a vocal advocate for women and minorities in biomedical science careers.

Lifetime Achievement Award winner Vivian Pinn, MD, with Woman One Scholars Dominique Jones and Jackie Koomson
Lifetime Achievement Award winner Vivian Pinn, MD, (center) with Woman One Scholars Dominique Jones (left) and Jackie Koomson (right)

Learn more about Dr. Pinn [PDF]

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Laurie H. Glimcher, MD, Named 2016 Marion Spencer Fay Award Honoree

Marion Spencer Fay Award Honoree Laurie H. Glimcher, MD and IWHL Director Lynn Yeakel
Marion Spencer Fay Award honoree Laurie H. Glimcher, MD and Lynn Yeakel, director of the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Laurie H. Glimcher, MD, incoming president and chief executive officer of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and former dean and professor of medicine of Weill Cornell Medical College on Monday, September 26, 2016, by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership.

Learn more about Dr. Glimcher [PDF]

Dr. Glimcher presented her lecture, “Doctor Without Borders,” a discussion of key research contributions from her laboratory paired with key personal events in her career over the last 30 years. The lecture was followed by an award presentation and reception.

The 2016 Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee
The 2016 Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee, from left to right: Janine Barber; Jane Clifford, PhD; Mark Woodland, MD; Ellie Kelepouris, MD; Jane Barth, Michele Kutzler, PhD; Ruth DuBois; D. Walter Cohen, DDS; Laurie Glimcher, MD (2016 Marion Spencer Fay Award honoree); Barbara Schindler, MD; Ellie Cantor, PhD (Chair, Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee); Kenny Simansky, PhD; Natalie Bartle, EdD; Elisabeth Van Bockstaele, PhD; Mary Anne Delaney, MD; Diane Magrane, MD; Lynn Yeakel (Director, Institute for Women's Health and Leadership); Michele Marcolongo, PhD

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Katherine Knight Receives 2015 Marion Spencer Fay Award

2015 Marion Spencer Fay Award winner Katherine Knight, PhD

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Katherine Knight, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology and co-founder of the Infectious Disease and Immunology Institute at Loyola University Chicago, on Thursday, November 19, by the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership. During the event Dr. Knight presented her lecture, Harnessing Bacteria to Fight Disease: A Professional Scientific Journey.

Learn more about Dr. Knight [PDF]

The Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee and Dr. Knight
Members of the Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee with 2015 honoree Katherine Knight, PhD

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2014 Marion Spencer Fay Award Presented to Phyllis A. Dennery, MD

On October 21, 2014, the annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Phyllis A. Dennery, MD, FAAP, chief of the Division of Neonatology and Newborn Services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, by the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership.

Dr. Dennery presented her lecture, "A Neonatologist's Journey: Shedding Light on Small Wonders," followed by an award presentation and a luncheon in the Edmund D. Bossone Research Enterprise Center on Drexel's University City Campus.

Learn more about Dr. Dennery [PDF]

2014 Marion Spencer Fay Award Presented to Phyllis A. Dennery, MD  2014 Marion Spencer Fay Award Winner Phyllis A. Dennery, MD

2014 Marion Spencer Fay Award Ceremony

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Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD, Received the 2013 Marion Spencer Fay Award on Friday, September 27

2013 Marion Spencer Fay Award winner Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD

The annual Marion Spencer Fay Award was presented to Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, dean of the Duke University School of Medicine, on September 27, 2013, as part of the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership's 20th anniversary celebration.

Nancy Andrews has been vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean of the Duke University School of Medicine since October 2007. She is also a professor of pediatrics and pharmacology & cancer biology.

Dr. Andrews earned her PhD from MIT (in biology) and her MD from Harvard Medical School. Prior to moving to Duke, she spent her entire professional career at Harvard, include serving as director of the Harvard-MIT MD-PhD Program from 1999 to 2003 and dean for basic sciences and graduate studies at Harvard Medical School from 2003 to 2007.

Dr. Andrews was also an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for 13 years. She maintains an NIH-funded research laboratory studying mouse models of human diseases. Her laboratory's contributions include:

  • Discovery of the iron transporter DMT1
  • Establishing the role of the transferrin receptor in vivo
  • Elucidation of the pathogenesis of hemochromatosis, anemia of chronic disease and iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA)

The lab has developed more than 30 mouse models, many of which have been used by investigators around the world to study iron homeostasis in vivo.

Dr. Andrews received the E. Mead Johnson Award and the Samuel Rosenthal Prize for her research accomplishments. She was the 2010 recipient of the Vanderbilt Prize for Biomedical Science and the 2011 Award for Mentoring in Basic Sciences from the American Society of Hematology. She served as the 2009 president of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and as a founding board member of the Rosalind Franklin Society. Dr. Andrews was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and to membership in both the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She was profiled by Newsweek magazine in 2008 as one of ten notable women leaders.

The Marion Spencer Fay award ceremony took place on Friday, September 27, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. at the Paul Peck Center and included a lecture from Dr. Andrews and a luncheon.

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2011 Marion Spencer Fay Award Lecture and Reception Honoring Julie Overbaugh, PhD

Julie Overbaugh, PhD, 2011 Marion Spencer Fay Award Recipient and Institute Director Lynn Yeakel

On October 27, 2011, Julie Overbaugh, PhD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, received the 2011 Marion Spencer Fay Award. Dr. Overbaugh's lecture, co-sponsored by the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University as part of their grand rounds lecture series, was titled "Taking the Leap: A Basic Scientist's Journey into Interdisciplinary, International HIV Research."

Dr. Overbaugh was recognized for her unique contributions in increasing understanding of HIV transmission and pathogenesis, her leadership in the treatment of and prevention strategies for infected women in the developing world, her pioneering research collaborative in Kenya and her noteworthy mentoring activities.

View Overbaugh's lecture (DUCoM login required).

Dr. Overbaugh was featured on Women's Radio and was named a "Fierce Woman in BioTech."

Dr. Julie Overbaugh is pictured with members of the 2011 Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee
Dr. Julie Overbaugh is pictured with members of the 2011 Marion Spencer Fay Award Committee.

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