Global Health Education Scheduling Your Global Health Experience

Drexel University College of Medicine medical students may arrange international clinical experiences as a special elective during year four. They are included in the 12 weeks of "away" time permitted to each student.

The Office of Global Health recommends that you start planning international rotations approximately six to nine months before the estimated start date.

Some important reminders:

  • You must be in good academic standing in order to participate in global experiences.
  • You must attend an international rotation for a minimum of four weeks.
  • The best time for international electives is after completion of interviews.
  • Depending on the specialty, interview season can begin as early as October. Students should avoid scheduling an international rotation during residency interview months. These most commonly occur November through January, but vary by specialty. Students should consult with their Pathway and/or Student Affairs adviser before considering an international rotation during potential interview months.
  • Students are not permitted to do an away/international rotation during Transition to Clinician 2 or Commencement Block, which are generally in mid- to late March and mid-May.
  • Your transcript will not be complete (and your diploma will not be released) until your evaluation has been received.

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A Drexel University College of Medicine student during her global health education experience abroad.