Women in Medicine & Science Committee
The mission of the Women in Medicine and Science Committee (WIMSC) is to support and promote the professional development, career advancement and leadership of women in medicine and science at Drexel University College of Medicine.
The WIMSC supports the mission by providing resources in professional career development and leadership skills to all faculty and trainees in medical and scientific disciplines through seminars, networking events and related informative links on this website. The WIMSC is led by a multidisciplinary group of faculty with expertise and interest in faculty development, clinical medicine, education and research with the goal of aiding in the success of other faculty and trainees at Drexel University College of Medicine.
The WIMSC serves to facilitate communication and networking through special events and to provide support to all women faculty and trainees in order to build a supportive community of women physicians and scientists that will nurture the professional development of current and future women in academic medicine. WIMSC programs are open to all genders with the belief that all faculty benefit from career development training and enhanced mentoring and networking.
Committee Members
The WIMSC consists of junior and senior female faculty members from basic science and clinical departments at Drexel University College of Medicine, as well as representatives from the Postdoctoral Association, Graduate Student Association and the American Medical Women's Association.
Meet the committee members
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