Patient-Centered Design Thinking
By comparison, and despite the 30+ year effort, the technological advancements and breakthroughs that revolutionized modern life (mapped genomes, Internet, smart phones, driverless car), have not translated / impacted materially heart replacement devices (VADs, TAH). Interconnected thinking (rooted in medical cybernetics) motivates 'innovation by design' -a design thinking paradigm especially applicable to complex biomedical problems with many components. Mechanical circulatory devices embody a collection of such problems (materials, fluid transport / flow drive, energy transfer, control mechanisms).
Creative-problem solving solutions, encapsulated in ‘design thinking’ methodology in which patient-centered approach to innovation of MCS systems necessitates a participatory co-design process that integrate the needs of patients, the advances in technology, and the requirements of business success. At the heart of this trifecta, is the 'Innovation by Design.'

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