MOTOR Center

Mentorship for Outstanding Trainee Outcomes in Research

Mentorship for Outstanding Trainee Outcomes in Research

The MOTOR Center is a new initiative in the Department of Pharmacology & Physiology designed to enhance trainee excellence in research achievements and outcomes. The center will work with established mentorship teams and trainees of all levels to attain extramural support and funding of trainee research projects, increase trainee-driven publication, and create an inclusive and equitable environment for trainees of diverse backgrounds.

The center will take a multipronged approach to increasing research achievements through development of standard templates and databases for fellowship submissions, creation of a peer review network for trainees, and providing strategies for writing as a team targeted to trainees and to mentors. In addition, the MOTOR Center will develop a workshop and roundtable series that will host external and internal experts in mentorship, diversity, scientific writing and publishing, and attaining external funding.

The MOTOR Center aims to support the overall mission of the Department of Pharmacology & Physiology in performing cutting-edge research across the biomedical sciences by increasing mentored research output and enhancing training opportunities for graduate and medical students and postdoctoral scholars.

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Jacqueline Barker, PhD

Jacqueline Barker, PhD
Director, MOTOR Center
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Physiology