Institute for Molecular Medicine & Infectious Disease Facilities

Genomics Core Facility

The Genomics Core Facility, located on the 17th floor of the New College Building, 245 N. 15th Street in Philadelphia, is home to a variety of instrumentation platforms available to assist researchers across Drexel University with gene (DNA and RNA) sequencing and nucleic acid quantitation.

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Laboratory for Flow Cytometry

Director: Allison Carey, MD

Drexel University College of Medicine's Laboratory for Flow Cytometry is housed in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology to provide flow cytometry. The flow facility is in Room 18119 in the New College Building. This facility contains one instrument that can be used for clinical and basic research and is available to the research community as a shared resource. The flow facility is equipped with the LSRFortessa flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). See descriptor below of the instrument for its capabilities. Please contact the staff of the flow facility for advice, protocols, sample preparation and pricing (215.762.7358). Please make reservations at least 48 hours prior to expected use.

LSRFortessa: The LSRFortessa flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) is a high-performance cytometer equipped with four lasers (488nm, 640nm, 532nm and 405nm) and capable for 14 color analysis. The cytometer can analyze up to 16 parameters simultaneously including forward light scatter, side light scatter, and multicolor analysis of target cell populations. The cytometer is currently equipped with detectors for APC-Cy7, APC, Alexa fluor 700, APC Cy5.5, PerCP-Cy5.5, FITC, PerCP, Qdot 605, Pacific Blue, Qdot 655, AmCyan, Alexa fluor 430, Cascade blue, PE Cy5.5, PE Texas Red, PE, PE Cy5, PE Cy7, and Alexa fluor 594.

The cytometer is equipped with a FacsDIVA Workstation for data acquisition, aerosol management and temperature control. Data can be analyzed using FlowJo software on an iMac (Apple) computer, available in the lab.

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