Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities 2012

Department of Emergency Medicine faculty members have performed research dealing with resuscitative techniques that has influenced the practice of emergency medicine on a national scale. The department pioneered research on the delivery of drugs by intraosseous and endotracheal routes. Particular areas of interest and study within the department include educational methodology research and clinical projects involving occupational and environmental toxicology and emergency ultrasound.

Peer-reviewed Articles

"Commercial spaceflight participant G-force tolerance during centrifuge-simulated suborbital flight"
Blue RS, Riccitello JM, Tizard J, Hamilton RJ, & Vanderploeg JM
Aviat Space Environ Med; 83:929-34 (2012)

"A simple method of maintaining chilled saline in the prehospital setting"
Isenberg DL & Pasirstein MJ
Am J Emerg Med, 30(8):1385-8, PMID: 22217819 (October 2012)

"Blood lead levels in the "oldest-old" United States population"
Vearrier D & Greenberg MI
Clin Tox. In press, Available online ahead of print, PMID: 22992102 (September 20, 2012)

"High Fidelity Cased-Based Simulation Debriefing: Everything You Need to Know"
Hart D, McNeil M, Griswold-Theodorson S, Bhatia K, & Joing S
Academic Emergency Medicine, Peer Reviewed Lecture Series (PeRLS), 19(9)E1084-5 (September 2012)

"Methamphetamine: history, pathophysiology, adverse health effects, current trends, and hazards associated with the clandestine manufacture of methamphetamine"T
Vearrier D, Greenberg MI, Miller SN, Okaneku JT, & Haggerty DA
Dis Mon, 58(2):38 – 89, PMID: 22251899 (February 2012)

"Obesity hinders ultrasound visualization of the subclavian vein: Implications for central venous access"
McGrath TM, Farabaugh EA, Pickett MJ, Wagner DK, & Griswold-Theodorson S
Journal of Vascular Access, 13(2):246-50, PMID: 22266587 (2012)

"Project-based faculty development by international health professions educators: Practical strategies"
Mennin S, Kalishman S, Eklund MA, Friedman S, Morahan PS, & Burdick W
Med Teach, e1–e7, Early Online (2012)

"Trans-disciplinary Simulation: Learning & Practicing Together"
Montgomery K, Griswold-Theodorson S, Morse K, & Montgomery O
Nursing Clinics of North America, 47(4):493-502, PMID: 23137601 (2012)

"The emerging role of simulation education to achieve patient safety: translating deliberate practice and debriefing to save lives"
Griswold, S, Ponnuru, S, Nishisaki, A, Szyld, D, Davenport, M, Deutsch, E, & Nadkarni, V
Pediatr Clin North Am, 59(6):1329-40, PMID: 23116529 (2012)

"Educator perceptions of the relationship between education innovations and improved health"
Friedman SR, Loh L, and Burdick WP
Med Teach, e1–e8, Early Online (2012)

"Thermal Injury Associated with Propylene"
Wong S, Saks M, Wiler J, and Curtis J
J Emerg Med, 42(4):452-53, PMID: 20005659 (2012)

"Faculty Development in Medical Education Research"
LaMantia J, Searle N, Hamstra S, Love J, Martin D, Griswold-Therodorson S, Leuck J, Smith M, Sohoni A, Vozenilek J, and Castaneda J
Academic Emergency Medicine, 19(12):1462-1467 (2012)

"Change in action: using positive deviance to improve student clinical performance"
Zaidi Z, Jaffery T, Shahid A, Moin S, Gilani A, and Burdick W
Adv. Health. Sci. Educ. Theory Pract, 17(1):95-105 (2012)

"Faculty development projects for international health professions educators: Vehicles for institutional change?"
Burdick WP, Friedman S, and Diserens D
Med. Teach., 34(1):38-44 (2012)

"Ureteral Obstruction and Hydronephrosis Due to Postpartum Ovarian Vein Thrombosis"
Pereira N, Schreyer K, and Farabaugh E
Journal of Gynecologic Surgery (2012)

"Stages and transitions in medical education around the world: clarifying structures and terminology"
Wijnen-Meijer M, Burdick WP, et al
Med Teach (2012)

"Impact of a fellowship program for faculty development on the self-efficacy beliefs of health professions teachers: a longitudinal study"
Singh T, Burdick WP, et al
Med Teach (2012)

"Injury and Illness in Mountain Bicycle Stage Racing: Experience from the Trans-Sylvania Mountain Bike Epic Race"
McGrath TM and Yehl MA
Wilderness and Environmental Medicine (2012)

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Books and Book Chapters

"Yearbook of Emergency Medicine 2012"
Hamilton RJ, Bruno EC, Handly NB, Minczak BM, Mullin DK, Quintana EC, & Ramoska EA (Eds.)
Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia, PA (2012)

Saks M
In: Emergency Medicine PreTest Self-Assessment & Review (3rd ed), ISBN: 978-0-07177310-2, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, NY (2012)

"Vaginal Bleeding"
Saks M
In: Emergency Medicine PreTest Self-Assessment & Review (3rd ed), ISBN: 978-0-07177310-2, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, NY (2012)

"Emergency Medicine Review: Preparing for the Boards"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI | Ufberg JW, Harrigan RA, & Tripp M (Editors)
In: Environmental Medicine, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA (2012)

"Otolaryngologic Procedures"
Riviello RJ | Roberts J, Hedges J, et al. (Editors)
In: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 6th Edition, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA (2012)

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Poster and Conference Presentations

"An Interdisciplinary Simulation Educational Experience: Introducing Students to Collaborative Healthcare"
Multak N, Montgomery K, Montgomery O, Morse K, Farabaugh D, Conti M, Gallagher-Gordon M, Griswold-Theodorson S, & Glasgow ME
Physician Assistant Education Association Education Forum, Seattle, Wash. (November 9, 2012)

"Phenol Toxicity following cutaneous exposure to Creolin®"
Vearrier D, Adams EJ, & Greenberg MI
2012 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Las Vegas, Nev. (October 1-6, 2012)

"Temporal trends in fatal motor vehicle crashes associated with driving while intoxicated by vehicle class"
Vearrier D & Greenberg MI
2012 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Las Vegas, Nev. (October 1-6, 2012)

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Blurred emergency patient being moved in a hospital.