Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities 2011

Department of Emergency Medicine faculty members have performed research dealing with resuscitative techniques that has influenced the practice of emergency medicine on a national scale. The department pioneered research on the delivery of drugs by intraosseous and endotracheal routes. Particular areas of interest and study within the department include educational methodology research and clinical projects involving occupational and environmental toxicology and emergency ultrasound.

Peer-reviewed Articles

"Mutism and persistent dysarthria due to tacrolimus-based immunosuppression following allogeneic liver transplantation"
Vearrier D, Simpson SE, and Greenberg MI
Am J Ther 18(6):e274-6, PMID: 20535006 (November 2011)

"Simulation Based Training: Filling the Void of Procedural Experience for Medical Students"
Farabaugh E, Griswold-Theodorson S, Saks M, Pham J, Korely F, and Wang E
DrexelMed Journal, Volume 5:1 (Summer 2011)

"Occurrence of and risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus at a teaching hospital in Philadelphia"
Gomes S, Altafi S, Garcia KM, Emery CL, Hamilton R, Brooks AD, Joshi SG
Am J Infect Control. 2012;40:381-3. (Epub Aug 23, 2011)

"Emergency Department Overcrowding as a Nash Equilibrium: Hypothesis and Test by Survey Methodology"
McCain RA, Hamilton RJ, Linnehan F
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems;652: 91-102 (2011)

"Evaluation of a Novel Wound Closure Device: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial"
Singer AJ, Chale S, Giardano P, Hocker M, Cairns C, Hamilton R, Nadkarni M, Mills AM, Hollander JE
Academic Emergency Medicine;18:1060–4 (2011)

"Implementation of an audience response system improves residents' attitudes toward required weekly conference."
Ramoska EA and Saks M
Medical Teacher, 33:861, PMID: 21942484 (2011)

"Case files of the medical toxicology fellowship at Drexel University: rhabdomyolysis and compartment syndrome following acute diphenhydramine overdose"
Vearrier D and Curtis JA
J Med Toxicol, 7(3):213-219, PMID: 21656083 (2011)

"Occupational health of miners at altitude: adverse health effects, toxic exposures, pre-placement screening, acclimatization, and worker surveillance"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Clin Tox, 49(7):629-940, PMID: 21861588 (2011)

"Addressing obstructive sleep apnea in the emergency department"
Vearrier D, Phillips B, and Greenberg MI
J Emerg Med, 41(6):728-740, PMID: 20227230 (2011)

"Regarding Use of Force" (letter)
Piazza G and Riviello R
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 57(5):545-546, PMID: 21513838 (2011)

"Emergency Department Overcrowding as a Nash Equilibrium: Hypothesis and Test by Survey Methodology"
McCain R, Hamilton R, and Linnehan F
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 652:91-102 (2011)

"Developing a Trauma-Informed, Emergency Department-Based Intervention for Victims of Urban Violence"
Corbin TJ, Rich JA, Bloom SL, Delgado D, Rich LJ, and Wilson AS
J Trauma Dissociation, 12(5):510-525, PMID: 21967178 (2011)

"A model for linkage between health professions education and health: FAIMER international faculty development initiatives"
Burdick W, Amaral E, Campos H, and Norcini J
Med. Teach., 33(8):632-637 (2011)

"AMEE 2010 symposium: medical student education in the twenty-first century - a new Flexnerian era?"
Hemmer PA, Busing N, Boulet JR, Burdick WP, McKillop J, Irby D, Ann Farmer E, and Duvivier R
Med. Teach., 33(7):541-546 (2011)

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Books and Book Chapters

"Unusual Problems in Occupational Emergency Medicine"
Ramoska EA and Saluja G | Greenberg MI and Madsen JM (Eds.)
In Occupational Emergency Medicine, p.209-215, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK (2011)

"Yearbook of Emergency Medicine 2011"
Hamilton RJ, Bruno EC, Handly NB, Mullin DK, Quintana EC, and Ramoska EA (Eds.)
Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia, PA (2011)

Chapter 3. "Occupational Dermatology: Issues for the Emergency Department"
Vearrier D | Greenberg MI and Madsen JM (Eds.)
In: Occupational Emergency Medicine, p.29–45, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK (2011)

"The Liver"
Furia S and Riviello R | Aghababian RV (Ed.)
In: Essentials of Emergency Medicine (2nd ed), p.61-68, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, MA (2011)

"Work-Related Trauma"
Saks M and Rahaman B
In: Occupational Emergency Medicine: Issues for the Emergency Department, ISBN: 978-1-4051-8071-9, Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK (2011)

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Poster and Conference Presentations

"Factors of Ischemic Stroke Influencing Rodent Performance in the Morris Water Maze"
Nocera R and Vingless V
Poster presented at annual Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington, DC (2011)

"Effect of Ischemic Stroke Lesion Size on Rodent Performance in the Morris Water Maze"
Nocera R and Vingless V
Poster presented at Annual Research Day, Drexel University (2011)

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"Opportunities To Perform Trauma Procedures In The State Of Pennsylvania: Are There Sufficient Numbers To Develop And Maintain Competency?"
Handly N and Ramoska EA
Acad Emerg Med, 18:S53 (2011)

"Failure of lipid emulsion therapy to treat a metformin overdose"
Miller SN and Greenberg MI
Clin Tox, 49(6):538-539 (2011)

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Blurred emergency patient being moved in a hospital.