Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities 2010

Department of Emergency Medicine faculty members have performed research dealing with resuscitative techniques that has influenced the practice of emergency medicine on a national scale. The department pioneered research on the delivery of drugs by intraosseous and endotracheal routes. Particular areas of interest and study within the department include educational methodology research and clinical projects involving occupational and environmental toxicology and emergency ultrasound.

Peer-reviewed Articles

"Care of Patients Who are Worried About Mercury Poisoning from Dental Fillings"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 23(6):797-798 (November/December 2010)

"ID Rounds: Are Your Shots Up To Date?"
Saks M
Emergency Medicine News, 32(9):8-9 (September 2010)

"Evidence of hormonal basis for improved survival among females with trauma-associated shock: an analysis of the national trauma data bank"
Haider AH, Crompton JG, Chang DC, Efron DT, Haut ER, Handly N, and Cornwell EE III
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Vol.69, No.3, 537-40 (September 2010)

"Clinical evaluation of a portable near-infrared device for detection of traumatic intracranial hematomas"
Robertson CS, Zager EL, Narayan RK, Handly N, Sharma A, Hanley DF, Garza H, Maloney-Wilensky E, Plaum JM, Koenig CH, Johnson A, and Morgan T
Journal of Neurotrauma, 27(9):1597-604 (September 2010)

"A teenager with agitation: higher than she should have climbed"
Vearrier D and Osterhoudt KC
Pediatric Emergency Care, 26(6):462-465 (June 2010)

"ID Rounds: When a Kiss is more than a Kiss"
Saks M
Emergency Medicine News, 32(4):11-12 (April 2010)

"ID Rounds: Where, oh Where, did West Nile Go?"
Saks M
Emergency Medicine News, 32(2);18 (February 2010)

"Subacute Tension Hemopneumothorax with Novel ECG Findings"
Saks M, Griswold-Theodorson S, Shinaishin F, and Demangone D
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 11(1):86-89, PMID:20411085 (2010)

"Preparedness for the Evaluation and Management of Mass Casualty Incidents Involving Anticholinesterase Compounds: A Survey of Emergency Department Directors in the 12 Largest Cities in the United States"
Madsen J and Greenberg MI
American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 5(6):333-351 (2010)

"Anticholinergic delirium following ingestion of the seeds of Datura stramonium: implications for the Internet age"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock, 3(3):303-305 (2010)

"Case Report: Aluminum encephalopathy following bladder irrigation with 1% alum solution"
Vearrier D and Osterhoudt KC
Drexelmed Journal, 4(1):17-18 (2010)

"Simulation center accreditation and programmatic benchmarks: A review for emergency medicine"
Fernandez R, Wang E, Vozenilek JA, Hayden E, McLaughlin S, Godwin SA, Griswold-Theodorson S, Davenport M, and Gordon JA
Academic Emergency Medicine, 17(10):1093-1103 (2010)

"Subacute Tension Hemopneumothorax: A Case Report, Novel ECG findings, and Review of the Literature"
Saks M, Griswold-Theodorson S, Shinaishin F, and Demangone D
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, (1936-9018)11:1 (2010)

"Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of venomous snake bites, editorial perspective"
McGrath T and Hamilton R
Undersea and Hyberbaric Medicine, 37(6):393-394 (2010)

"Relevance of the Flexner Report to contemporary medical education in South Asia"
Amin Z, Burdick WP, Supe A, and Singh T
Academic Medicine, 85(2):333-339 (2010)

"Measuring the effects of an international health professions faculty development fellowship: the FAIMER Institute"
Burdick WP, Diserens D, Friedman SR, Morahan PS, Kalishman S, Eklund MA, Mennin S, and Norcini JJ
Medical Teacher, 32(5):414-421 (2010)

"Intimate Partner Violence Among Men Having Sex with Men, Women, or Both: Early Life Sexual and Physical Abuse As Antecedents"
Corbin TJ, Welles S, Rich JA, et. al
Journal of Community Health, 36(3):477-85 (2010)

"Relevance of the Flexner Report to contemporary medical education in South Asia"
Amin Z, Burdick WP, Supe A, and Singh T
Academic Medicine, 85(2):333-339 (2010)

"Measuring the effects of an international health professions faculty development fellowship: the FAIMER Institute"
Burdick WP, Diserens D, Friedman SR, Morahan PS, Kalishman S, Eklund MA, Mennin S, and Norcini JJ
Medical Teacher 32(5):414-421 (2010)

"Group dynamics and social interaction in a South Asian online learning forum for faculty development of medical teachers"
Anshu SM, Burdick WP, and Singh T
Educ. Health. (Abingdon), 23, 1, 311 (2010)

"International emergency medicine"
Burdick WP, Hauswald M, and Iserson KV
Academic Emergency Medicine, 17, 7, 758-761 (2010)

"Patterns of Airway Interventions by Paramedics"
Handly N, Chang DC, New J, and Bass R
Prehospital Emergency Care (2010)

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Books and Book Chapters

"Manual of Forensic Emergency Medicine: a guide for clinicians"
Riviello R (Ed.)
Jones and Bartlett, Boston, MA (2010)

Riviello R | Riviello R (Ed.)
In: Manual of Forensic Emergency Medicine: a guide for clinicians, p.59-64, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, MA (2010)

Riviello R | Riviello R (Ed.)
In: Manual of Forensic Emergency Medicine: a guide for clinicians, p.83-88, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, MA (2010)

"Forensic medicine"
Riviello R | Riviello R (Ed.)
In: Manual of Forensic Emergency Medicine: a guide for clinicians, p.1-3, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, MA (2010)

"Otolaryngologic Procedures"
Riviello RJ and Brown NA | Roberts J, Hedges J, et al. (Eds.)
In: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 5th edition, p.1178-1216, Saunders, Philadelphia, PA (2010)

"Do not miss the occult hip fracture in elderly patients"
Kleinmann AA and Riviello R | Mattu A, Chanmugam AS, Swadron SP, Tibbles CD, and Woolridge DP (Eds.)
In: Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, p.79-80, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA (2010)

Chapter 14. "Biological Testing of Drugs of Abuse"
Vearrier D, Curtis JA, and Greenberg MI | Luch A (Ed.)
In: Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology, Volume 2: Clinical Toxicology, p.489–517, Birkhauser Basel, Switzerland (2010)

Chapter 6. "Environmental"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI | Harrigan RA, Ufberg J, and Tripp M (Eds.)
In: Emergency Medicine Review: Preparing for the Boards, p.116–136, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA (2010)

"Nasogastric and Feeding Tube Placement"
Samuels LE | Roberts J and Hedges J (Eds.)
In: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 5th edition, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA (2010)

"Yearbook of Emergency Medicine 2010"
Hamilton RJ, Bruno EC, Handly NB, Mullin DK, Quintana EC, Ramoska EA (Eds.)
Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia, PA (2010)

"Tarascon Pharmacopoeia"
Hamilton RJ (Editor-in-Chief)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA (2010)

"Yearbook of Emergency Medicine 2008"
Hamilton RJ (Editor-in-Chief), Bruno E, Handley N, Quintana E, Mullin D, and Ramoska E (Eds.)
Mosby Inc., St. Louis, MO (2010)

"Approaching the Health and Well-being of Boys and Men of Color through Trauma-informed Practice"
Corbin TJ, Rich JA, et. al. | Edley C, Ruiz de Velasco J (Eds.)
In: Changing Places: How Communities Will Improve the Health of Boys of Color, p.407-428, University of California Press, Los Angeles, CA (2010)

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Poster and Conference Presentations

"The Implementation of An Audience Response System Improves Resident Attitudes Towards Required Weekly Conference"
Saks M and Ramoska E
Academic Emergency Medicine, 17:S37-38 (2010)
Poster presentation, Research Forum, SAEM Scientific Assembly, Phoenix, AZ (2010)

"Prolonged elimination of ethylene glycol in a patient receiving fomepizole with normal renal function"
Haggerty DA, Vearrier D, and Curtis J
Poster presentation, 2010 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Denver, CO (October 7–12, 2010)

"Secondary lead exposure due to bony store release in the elderly: Toxicosurveillance of elderly patients visiting an inner city emergency department"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Poster presentation, 2010 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Denver, CO (October 7–12, 2010)

"Obesity Limits Visualization of the Subclavian Vein During Central Venous Catheter Placement"
Pickett M, Farabaugh E, McGrath T, Wagner D, and Griswold-Theodorson S
Drexel University Discovery Day (October 2010)

"The effect of level of training on emergency medicine residents' health, lifestyle, wellness, and professional satisfaction"
Ramoska EA and McGrath T
Oral presentation, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (June 6, 2010)

"The prevalence of websites promoting the recreational use of Datura or its sale: A case report and analysis of the danger to public health"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Poster presentation, XXX International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Bordeaux, France (May 11–14, 2010)

"The Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in an Urban Emergency Department"
Kologinczak R and Pasirstein MJ
Slide show/oral presentation, Regional Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Charlottesville, VA (April 2010)

"A Randomized Comparison of Ultrasound Guidance vs. Landmarks in Subclavian Central Venous Catheter Placement by Novice Practitioners"
Griswold-Theodorson S, Farabaugh E, Handly N, Hamilton R, Saks M, McGrath T, and Wagner D
Poster presentation, International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (January 2010)

"Insertion of a Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker"
Baer H, Pasirstein MJ, Olsen C, Saks M, and Theodorson-Griswold S
Slides/video presentation, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Phoenix, AZ (January 2010)

"Developing a Trauma Informed Emergency Department Based Intervention for Victims of Urban Violence"
Corbin TJ, Rich JA, Delgado DA, Rich LJ, and Adams EJ
National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice (September 2010)

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"The Prevalence of Websites Promoting the Recreational Use of Datura or its Sale: A Case Report and Analysis of the Danger to Public Health"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 48(3):306 (2010)

"Secondary lead exposure due to bony store release in the elderly: Toxicosurveillance of elderly patients visiting an inner city emergency department"
Vearrier D and Greenberg MI
Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 48(6):622 (2010)

"The effect of level of training on emergency medicine residents' health, lifestyle, wellness, and professional satisfaction"
Ramoska EA and McGrath T
Academic Emergency Medicine, 17:S201 (2010)

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Blurred emergency patient being moved in a hospital.