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Spotlight on Crozer-Chester Medical Center

Richard J. Hamilton, MD

Richard J. Hamilton, MD, MBA, FAAEM, FACEP, FACMT
Academic Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Associate Dean for the Crozer Keystone Regional Medical Campus

An interview with Richard Hamilton, MD, MBA, FAAEM, FACEP, FACMT, Academic Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Associate Dean for the Crozer Keystone Regional Medical Campus.

“What makes your campus unique as an educational hub for Drexel Medical Students?”

Drexel University College of Medicine rightfully prides itself on having a national footprint to train our medical students. But did you know that 25 minutes from downtown Philadelphia there is a 300–bed facility that is home to the county’s first cardiothoracic surgery program, a renowned neurosciences team and the largest group of psychiatrists in the region? Crozer is the only hospital in the Philadelphia suburbs equipped with a comprehensive emergency department, trauma center and burn treatment center.

Crozer Health trains residents in emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, internal medicine, ob/gyn, psychiatry and transitional year programs. There are fellowships in complex health and social needs, gender affirmation surgery, neuroscience, geriatric medicine, sports medicine and emergency medicine ultrasound. Crozer Health is home to a comprehensive range of specialty and tertiary-care services.

“How does the presence of medical students enhance the patient experience?”

Delaware County is a very diverse community with patients of all backgrounds. In my experience, patients enjoy the opportunity to be cared for by a diverse set of providers and medical students are considered a very welcome addition to that diverse care team. In particular, medical students can bridge the gap between their often–busy supervising residents and attendings and interact with patients at a slower and compassionate pace. Medical students are very active members of the care team and definitely add to the healing culture at Crozer Health.

“How does the presence of medical students enhance the practitioner/educator experience?”

Crozer Health has a vibrant teaching culture that goes back decades. It has always been a busy blend of masterful clinicians, residents and students, all perfecting the practice of medicine. For an clinician as educator, the stimulation of teaching students is an essential component in the journey toward mastery! Ben Franklin wrote, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” Practitioners and educators grow their skills as educators because they don’t just teach medical students—they get them involved in the care of the patient! Educators become more masterful as they articulate the craft of medicine and incorporate trainees into their practice and, as a result, the medical students learn! The Crozer Health System is an ideal size for students, residents and attendings to work together as a team caring for patients.

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