Zsofi Szep

Zsofi Szep, MD, MSCE

Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine: Division of Infectious Diseases & HIV Medicine

Practices: Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice

Specialties: Infectious Diseases, HIV


  • MD - Jefferson Medical College (2004)
  • MSCE - University of Pennsylvania (2009)
  • BS in Biochemistry & Liberal Studies - University of Delaware (1998)

Awards & Honors

NIH Training Grant (2007-2009)Penn Center For AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program, Pilot Grant (2008-present)10th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV Scholarship, London, UK (November 2008)

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

Infectious Disease Society of America (2006-present)

Zsofi Szep, MD, MSCE, is board certified in both internal medicine and infectious diseases. She sees patients in Center City Philadelphia.

Prior to joining Drexel, Dr. Szep was affiliated with the Bryn Mawr Hospital in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and the Wilmington VA Medical Center Outpatient HIV Clinic in Wilmington, Delaware.

Clinical Services

AIDS, HIV, Infectious diseases


  • Internal Medicine - Temple University Hospital (2002-2003)


  • Internal Medicine - Temple University Hospital (2003-2005)
  • Chief Medical Resident - Temple University Hospital (2005-2006)


  • Infectious Diseases - University of Pennsylvania (2006-2008)
  • Clinical Epidemiology - Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania (2007-2009)

Dr. Szep is an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine. She previously served as an instructor in medicine at Temple University Hospital, where she served on the medical staff executive committee and the internal medicine residency selection committee.


(See all Zsofi Szep's publications in PubMed.

Selected Publications and Abstracts

"Association between vitamin D deficiency and type 2 diabetes mellitus in an urban HIV population"
Szep Z, Tebas P, Lo Re V 3rd, Ratcliffe S, Amorosa V, Frank I, Shah S.
In Submission.

"Tuberculin Skin Test conversion rates among short term health care workers returning from Gaborone Botswana"
Szep Z, Kim R, Ratcliffe SJ, Gluckman S.
In Submission.

"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus among HIV infected patients"
Szep Z, Guaraldi G, Shah SS, Lo Re V 3rd, Ratcliffe SJ, Orlando G, Carli F, Rossi R, Rochira V, Tebas P.
AIDS 2011;25(4):531-3. PMID: 21178753

"Use of mobile telemedicine for cervical cancer screening"
Quinley KE, Gromely RH, Ratcliff SJ, Ting S, Szep Z, Steiner A, Ramogola-Masire, D, Kovarik CL.
J Telemed Telecare;17(4):203-9 PMID:21551217 (2011)

"Tuberculin skin test conversion rate among short term health care workers returning from Gaborone, Botswana"
Szep Z, Kim R, Ratcliffe S, Gluckman S.
12th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine. Boston, (May 2011)

"The use of mobile telemedicine for remote diagnosis in HIV infected patients in Botswana" (abstract)
C.L. Kovarik, R. Azfar, G. Cavric, Z. Szep, S. Ratcliffe, R.H. Gormley, J. Weinber, A. Steiner, R. Lee, L. Castelo-Soccio, K.E. Quinley and D. Ramogola-Masire
AIDSImpact 2009: 9th International Conference, Gaborone, Botswana (2009)

"Use of Mobile Telemedicine for Cervical Cancer Screening in Gaborone, Botswana" (abstract)
R.H. Gormley, K.E. Quinley, T. Shih, Z. Szep, A. Steiner, O. Ramogola-Masire and C.L. Kovarik
Infectious Agents and Cancer; 5(Suppl1):A86, (2010)

"Association of Serum Vitamin 0 levels and Type 2 OM in HIV Infection in the Modena Cohort" (abstract)
Z. Szep, G. Guaraldi, S.S. Shah, S. Ratcliffe, G. Orlando, N. Squillace, V. Rochera, B. Madeo, E. Barladi, G.C. Caran, R. Eposito and P. Tebas
10th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, London, UK (November 2008)

"An atypical presentation of polymyositis" (abstract)
S. Domsky and Z. Szep
Journal of General Internal Medicine (April 2006)

"Acute pancreatitis as an initial presentation of systemic lupus erythematosus" (abstract)
K. Shenoy, Z. Szep and H. Shishodia
Journal of General Internal Medicine (April 2006)

"Recurrent leg pain, a case of Kaposi's sarcoma mimicking cellulitis" (abstract)
Z. Szep, M. Vandenberg, B. Taqui, H. Shishoidia, et al.
Journal of General Internal Medicine, Vol 20, S1, 260 (April 2005)

Contact Information

Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice
1427 Vine Street
2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.2530
Fax: 215.762.2531