Drexel University College of Medicine supports your pursuit of compassionate care and safe global health learning. We believe that medical education should include learning about one's own community and the global community.

Download the Global Health Education info sheet.

As individuals and physicians, we are called upon to understand global trends and global health practices. There are identified Global Health Core Competencies for all medical students, as referenced in "Teaching the basics: core competencies in global health." These are:

  • Global burden of disease
  • Health implications of travel, migration and displacement
  • Social and economic determinants of health
  • Population, resources and the environment
  • Globalization of health and healthcare
  • Health care in low resource settings
  • Human rights in global health

Featured Summer Opportunity

Indian Health Services is offering medical student rotations for the summer of 2024.

Learn more

The Office of Global Health Education manages the College of Medicine's global learning programs. Drexel medical students can participate in Drexel-organized experiences as well as opportunities offered by other approved programs based in the United States and abroad. The Office of Global Health Education helps students plan a safe, healthy and enriching experience that matches their temperament and future goals.

There are three ways students can get involved in global health:

  • Education and training
  • Research
  • Service and clinical programs

We look forward to creating an educational and safe international opportunity for you and helping you continue to enrich your learning and experiences as a student here.

Global Health Video Resources

Nielufar Varjavand, MD Overview: Summer Global Health Opportunities

Speaker: Nielufar Varjavand, MD

Watch Presentation

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"Drexel University fulfills our founder's vision of preparing each new generation of students for productive professional and civic lives while also focusing our collective expertise on solving society's greatest problems.

"Drexel is an academically comprehensive and globally engaged urban research university, dedicated to advancing knowledge and society and to providing every student with a valuable, rigorous, experiential, technology-infused education, enriched by the nation's premier cooperative education program."