File Type: An OCRed PDF is a document upon which Optical Character Recognition has been performed, converting an image into searchable text.
Use Case: When attempting to view a PDF that is a scan this format will allow for searching and highlighting of text, as well as use with a screen reader. |
Tagged PDF
File Type: This is a structured PDF that is improved for use with assistive technologies.
Use Case: When using a device that does not support Word or PowerPoint, downloading the Tagged PDF is a quick and easy way to review the file.
File Type: This is a web-based document used for viewing in a web browser. The content from the file will adapt to fit on the screen.
Use Case: It can be difficult to view a Word document or PDF on a small screen device, like a phone, as it may require zooming and scrolling. The HTML file will format the information to fit the screen.
File Type: This is a digital publishing file for use on an iPad, Kindle, or other e-book readers. Apps like EasyReader, iBooks, and NaturalReader can all render this content.
Use Case: Using the ePub format will allow users to take adjust display settings like font size and background color. It also allows for note taking, bookmarking, and searching of the text.
Electronic braille
File Type: This is a BRF file that can be read on a refreshable Braille display (RBD), other Braille reading devices, or within a Braille software like Duxbury.
Use Case: Using the BRF file is a good option if you are familiar with braille. Using the Electronic Braille in conjunction with other formats can enable a student to read and listen to content at the same time.
File Type: This is an MP3 file of the text and image descriptions, if they are available, read aloud.
Use Case: This format allows a user to listen rather than read content or listen as they read along. It can also be utilized during a commute on a mobile device or in a car.
BeeLine Reader (Pilot)
File Type: This file uses a subtle color gradient that helps pull a reader’s eye across the screen.
Use Case: The color gradient technique has been shown to increase reading speed and enhance focus for some readers. |