Environmental Impact Evaluations

An Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) is performed to identify, recognize, evaluate, and control environmental conditions which may compromise the health and safety of the building occupants, maintenance and/or contractor personnel during renovation/repair projects. Project activities including, but not limited to demolition and alterations, may not proceed until a site investigation has been completed by the Department of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety (EHRS). EHRS will evaluate if mitigation of any environmental hazard(s) is required. The project cannot proceed without prior authorization by EHRS.

The supervisor or project manager must submit all planned work activities to EHRS prior to the initiation of any work activity. Once the full written scope of work is received it will be reviewed by EHRS.  EHRS will provide an EIE form with the following information: 

  • Work location.
  • Project Manager / Supervisor Name.
  • Scope of Work.
  • Evaluation Limitations.
  • List and Locations of hazardous material(s), hazardous substance(s), and other hazard(s) within the proposed work area.
  • Whether or not the hazardous materials will be impacted.
  • Whether or not mitigation of hazard(s) is required.  

The EIE will be forwarded to the supervisor or project manager for review. The supervisor or project manager shall be responsible for providing this document to all parties involved in the proposed work activities. The EIE shall be posted in the work area for all parties involved or impacted to review. All information and conditions provided in the EIE must be followed by all university and contractor personnel.

Any work outside of the provided scope must be reviewed by the EHRS prior to initiation of the project.  All work activities must cease immediately if university personnel or the contractor suspects the presence of and/or impacts hazardous materials and/or hazardous substance. The supervisor or project manager must notify EHRS immediately.

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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.