Rhythm Osan

Osan visits the AHR Expo.
Osan visits the AHR Expo.

Hometown: Levittown, Pennsylvania
Majors: Architectural Engineering
Class Year: 2026

How did you become interested in engineering?

I was always interested in math and science growing up, and the idea of being given a problem and finding the most optimal solution really piqued my interest. Engineering combined my passion for creativity and problem solving in a unique way that would allow me to be challenged with issues that plague our world now such as climate issues and sustainability.

When you were looking at colleges, what made Drexel stand out?

Many colleges I looked at offered me great opportunities, but nearly none offered me the ability to put myself in a real engineer's shoes as much as Drexel. Like most people, the co-op program drew my attention to Drexel as I realized how beneficial this program would be to network with professionals and really get my foot in the door of the industry.

Why did you decide to focus on your major in particular?

I have lived in the suburbs my whole life, but going to New York city and Philadelphia were my favorite trips because I was surrounded by tall skyscrapers. It was astounding to me that people designed and constructed buildings that towered over my head and could be seen from miles away. That was the first time I was interested in pursuing a career that would eventually help me design my own skyscraper.

What has been your favorite class so far?

My most interesting class so far has been my engineering design class. I took the class in spring term and it was the first time I was able to able to experience the issues architectural engineers face in the work force such as sustainability, cost and functionality of a building in an urban setting. I had to take energy costs, location, building envelope and layout into account, and was able to collaborate with my peers to find the most effective solution. Additionally, this class introduced me to software such as Revit and AutoCAD that are used in the industry and can help prepare me for my co-ops and future job positions.

What extracurricular groups are you in?

I am currently the vice president of Drexel's chapters of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). As part of ASHRAE, I had the opportunity to attend the 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo in Chicago this past year. I was able to attend invaluable seminars on the future of the built environment and networking social events to meet so many experienced industry leaders, professionals and other passionate students in the HVAC industry. Additionally, having the ability to see all the upcoming HVAC related technologies and products at the AHR Expo was incredibly educational and all the vendors were so helpful!

How have you enjoyed living and learning in Philadelphia?

Living in a city setting itself has kept me on my feet. Every day, there is an endless number of opportunities available, and a myriad of activities going on. Being surrounded by a diverse group of people has allowed me to gain more perspective on every topic, because each person has different insights. Living in Philadelphia specifically, with its mix of modern architecture and historical buildings, has boosted my passion for architectural engineering specifically; I am surrounded by new modern style buildings as well as historic old buildings. The inclusion of art styles and expressions with the booming music scenes and murals around the Philadelphia area beautifies this city even more and reminds me of the power of creativity humans hold.

What is your favorite part about your Drexel experience so far?

My favorite part of the Drexel experience has been the opportunities to meet people. Due to the activities and events Drexel holds as well as the housing situation, the international student influx, the clubs, and the dining halls, I can meet new people every day from different backgrounds who are pursuing different degrees. It's been refreshing to connect with people I may not have ever met had it not been for all the opportunities Drexel offers.

Learn more about Architectural Engineering