Law Student Financing Resources

Loan Options

There are a variety of federal loan options available to law students

  • Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  • Federal Graduate Direct PLUS Loan

Bar Exam Loans

Students are able to borrow funds in the form of a private postgraduate bar study loan to assist with costs associated with taking a Bar Exam. Bar loans are available through private lenders and eligibility is based on a student’s credit. These loans can assist students with the cost of taking the exam, bar prep courses, and living expenses between the time of graduation and taking the bar. Students may apply for bar loans during their last year of law school and up to a year after graduation depending on the lender. Before applying for a bar loan, students should speak with the Financial Aid office to ensure there is no further eligibility in the Federal Direct Loan program.

Law Need Based Scholarships

A limited number of Need Based Scholarships may be available each year for second and third year law students. Applications are submitted by letter to the law school's Senior Associate Dean of Students. The deadline in June is announced each year by email to all continuing students. Applicants must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the following academic year.

Drexel Alumni Scholarships

Drexel offers special incentives for our undergraduate alumni. All Drexel Alumni will be awarded a $1,000 grant each year of full-time study. In addition, a Distinguished Dragon Scholarship is awarded to exceptional Drexel Alumni who have demonstrated strong academic performance.

School of Law Merit Scholarships

We are committed to enrolling the highest caliber of students to our law school. To recruit competitive law students, we have dedicated significant financial resources to the law school’s merit-based scholarship program. The school's most prestigious merit scholarship, the Rising Advocate Scholarship, recognizes outstanding undergraduate academic achievement.  The RAS scholarship allows a student to retain his or her award regardless of a change in GPA from year to year as long as the student remains in good academic standing.

Among the school’s merit-based scholarships are scholarships for individuals who have served in the Peace Corps or Teach for America

Students are considered for a merit scholarship when they submit an application for admission; there is not a separate application. A recipient will be notified of the award at the time of his or her offer of admission.

95% percent of our Entering Class of 2020 3-year and 2-year degree students received an academic merit scholarship varying in amount from $10,000 to $47,700.

Private Scholarship and Grant Funding

Many scholarships and grants are offered by private sources, such as fraternal and religious organizations, labor unions, professional associations, social groups, and ethnic associations. Many of these opportunities are listed in the Thomas R. Kline School of Law Weekly Newsletter.

Because they are private and therefore not administered by Drexel, it is up to you to research and apply for them on your own. The best place to start your research is with any organization you or a family member has an affiliation with (such as your or your parent's employer, church or religious organization).

Much of your research will involve using the internet. It is important to be careful when reviewing information online. Drexel recommends that you do not use any fee-based service to look for private scholarships. Below are several scholarship search engines that are free:

The above list of scholarship resources is not exhaustive; there may be additional scholarships available outside of this list for which students or prospective students may be eligible. Students and prospective students are invited to contact the Drexel Central for suggested search terms and ways to search the Internet /other resources to locate additional opportunities.

Please note: If a student or prospective student locates a scholarship that is not listed on the University’s website on their own through the suggested search terms provided by Drexel Central, such an act does not suggest that the University is providing approval/endorsement of such scholarships.

Payment Plan

Drexel offers a tuition payment plan for law students. You are able to split your tuition balance due into monthly installments for each term.

Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program

The Paul D. Coverdell Fellows program provides scholarship funding to returned Peace Corps volunteers who complete a degree-related co-op or clinic placement in an underserved American community while they pursue their studies.

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