Housing and Dining Costs

Undergraduate Housing and Dining

First-year students living on campus are required to also have a dining plan. Commuter students are encouraged, but not required, to review dining plan options.

Graduate Housing

All graduate students are billed by the quarter or the semester, depending on their actual student status. For some graduate programs, you may be required to arrive to campus before the fall move-in dates. As such, you are able to submit an early arrival request to our office by contacting the Housing and Residence  Life office.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Housing

The rates for fraternity and sorority housing are set annually by the Drexel University Board of Trustees, unless otherwise noted below. There is no deposit required to complete the Fraternity and Sorority Housing Application and no additional fees for term break housing if the student has a Housing Contract for the current and future academic terms which surround a term break. All rates are per person, per academic term and are billed to the student's eBill by the Office of the Bursar.

Questions About Housing or Dining?

Inquiries regarding housing or dining should be directed to following offices:

Housing and Residence Life

Drexel Campus Dining
Inquiry Form

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.