Updating Personal Information

A summary of your personal information is available via DrexelOne. The Personal Information page includes all biographical information you have provided to Drexel, including your name, date of birth, contact information (email, address and phone), emergency contact information, University ID, Social Security number, gender, and ethnicity and race.

You can access your information via the "Account" icon in the upper left corner of DrexelOne.

Students have the ability to update certain information directly on the Personal Information channel in DrexelOne under the Welcome tab, including Preferred Name, Personal Pronoun, Gender Identification, Phone Number, Addresses, and Emergency Contacts. 

Legal Name

If you have legally changed your name, you will need to submit a completed  Change in Student Identification Form [PDF] and supporting documentation to Drexel Central. Acceptable forms of supporting documentation are listed on the request form.

Please note that name changes are usually made for active students. If you are no longer actively enrolled at Drexel (due to graduation, withdrawal, or non-attendance for more than four consecutive terms) please contact the Office of the University Registrar for more information regarding legal name change options.

Social Security Number

If you need to update the Social Security number Drexel has on file for you, or add a Social Security number to your profile, you will need to submit a completed  Change in Student Identification Form [PDF] and supporting documentation to Drexel Central. Acceptable forms of supporting documentation are listed on the request form.

Preferred Name

Drexel is committed to providing an inclusive and safe environment for all members of the University community. That includes allowing students the option of identifying a preferred first name that is different from their legal name. While sharing this information so as to allow for a more comfortable experience is a benefit, the University also appreciates the need to be respectful and sensitive. 

View more information about the University's policy and FAQs on the Preferred Name web page

Personal Pronouns and Gender Identification

During fall 2018, in conjunction with the updates to the Personal Information page that will allow students to indicate a preferred first name, students will also be allowed to indicate a personal pronoun and their gender identification.  

The University will be developing and implementing a phased approach to the use of personal pronouns and gender identification. All students are welcome to update both information points, with the understanding that Drexel will not start utilizing this information until a later date.

Personal Pronouns

The personal pronouns available to choose from are:

  • He/Him/His
  • She/Her/Hers
  • They/Them/Theirs
  • Prefer Not to Answer 

Gender Identification

The gender identifications available to choose from are:

  • Man
  • Woman
  • Transgender Woman
  • Transgender Man
  • Gender Non-Conforming/Gender Non-Binary
  • Prefer Not to Answer

Please note that indicating a personal pronoun and gender identification is completely optional. Student records will default to no answer if a student chooses not to make a selection, and students are allowed to change any selection, at any time, up until they graduate from Drexel. However, if a student indicates a personal pronoun, this information will be used by Drexel in the future for a salutation/greeting purpose in place of Mr. or Ms.

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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.