Loni Philip Tabb, PhD

Loni Philip Tabb

Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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PhD, Biostatistics, Harvard University
AM, Biostatistics, Harvard University
MS, Mathematics, Drexel University
BS, Mathematics, Drexel University


Dr. Loni Philip Tabb is Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, and Urban Health Collaborative Research and Data Core Co-Lead.

Dr. Tabb received her MS (2005) and BS (2003) in Mathematics from Drexel University, and her PhD (2010) and AM (2007) degrees in Biostatistics from Harvard University. Her doctoral work focused on developing novel methods in addressing excessive zeros in longitudinal count data applied in environmental as well as health and social disparities settings.

Since joining the faculty at Drexel, her research focuses primarily on spatial and spatio-temporal statistics and epidemiology with applications in health and social disparities, violence, and toxicity studies. Much of Dr. Tabb’s work involves using Bayesian statistical methods in the presence of complex data structures. Earlier research focused on the intersection of alcohol and violence in urban settings; with a more recent focus on the additional impact of marijuana access and availability - given the changing landscape of legalization of marijuana in the US.

More recently, Dr. Tabb has concentrated her research efforts on the intersection of health and place, specifically as it applies to cardiovascular health. In particular, she develops and utilizes novel spatial and spatio-temporal statistical methods to look at the local and national geographic patterns of Black-White inequities in this country. She also focuses her efforts on developing and utilizing methods used to statistically operationalize structural racism, and measure its impact on various health and social outcomes.

Research Interests

  • Structural Racism
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Health Disparities & Inequities
  • Urban Health
  • Violence and Trauma
  • Environmental Exposures
  • Health and Place
  • Built Environment
  • Bayesian Statistical Methods
  • Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Disease Mapping


** indicates student advisees in various programs (MPH, MS, DrPH, and PhD)

Tabb, L. P., Bayliss, R.**, Xu, Y.** (2024). Spatial and spatio-temporal statistical implications of measuring structural racism: A review of three widely used residential segregation measures. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 1000678.

Xu, Y.**, McClure, L. A., Quick, H., Jahn, J. L., Zakeri, I., Headen, I., & Tabb, L. P. (2024). A two-stage bayesian model for assessing the geography of racialized economic segregation and premature mortality across US counties. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 49, 100652.

Chan, M., Parikh, S., Willcocks, E., Lytel-Sternberg, J., Castro, E., Tabb, L. P., Schwartz, J., & James-Todd, T. (2024) Associations between historical redlining and the risk of pregnancy complications and adverse birth outcomes in Massachusetts, 1995-2015. Journal of Women's Health, 0(0).

Winter, S. C., Winter, M. R., Plaxico, L., Balakrishnan, A., Dzombo, M., Tabb, L. P., Ukoh, E., Lincoln, C., Obara, L. M., Otieno, S., Muita, R, & White, S. (2024). Extreme weather should be defined according to impacts on climate vulnerable communities. Nature Climate Change, 1-6.

Smith, L. B., O'Brien, C. Kenney, G. M., Tabb, L. P., Verde or, A., Wei, K., Lynch, V., Waidmann, T. (2023). Racialized economic segregation and potentially preventable hospitalizations among Medicaid/CHIP-enrolled children. Health Services Research, 58(3), 599-611.

Brown, J.**, Hirsch, J. A., Tabb, L. P., Judd, S., Bennett, A., Rundle, A., Lovasi, G. A. (2023). A segmented regression analysis of household income and recurrent falls among adults in a national cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2023 Nov 3:kwad211.

Guan, J.**, Hirsch, J. A., Tabb, L. P., Hillier, T. A., & Michael, Y. L. (2022). The association between changes in built environment and changes in walking among older women in Portland, Oregon. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14168.

Callander, D., Kim, B., Domingo, M., Tabb, L. P., Radix, A., Timmins, L., ... & Duncan, D. T. (2022). Examining the geospatial distribution of health and support services for transgender, gender nonbinary, and other gender diverse people in New York City. Transgender Health, 7(4), 369- 374.

Tabb, L. P., Rich, J. A., Waite, D., Alberto, C.**, Harris, E., Gardner, J., Gentile, N., & Corbin, T. (2022). Examining Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Young Survivors of Urban Violence. Journal of Urban Health, 99(4), 669-679.

Kondo, M. C., Zuidema, C., Moran, H. A., Jovan, S., Derrien, M., Brinkley, W., ... & Tabb, L. P. (2022). Spatial predictors of heavy metal concentrations in epiphytic moss samples in Seattle, WA. Science of The Total Environment, 825, 153801.

Bragg, M., Chavarro, J. E., Hamra, G. B., Hart, J. E., Tabb, L. P., Weisskopf, M. G., ... & Lyall, K. (2022). Prenatal Diet as a Modifier of Environmental Risk Factors for Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. Current Environmental Health Reports, 1-15.

Tabb, L. P., Roux, A. V. D., Barber, S., Judd, S., Lovasi, G., Lawson, A., & McClure, L. A. (2022). Spatially varying racial inequities in cardiovascular health and the contribution of individual-and neighborhood-level characteristics across the United States: The REasons for geographic and racial differences in stroke (REGARDS) study. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 40, 100473.

Mujahid, M. S., Gao, X., Tabb, L. P., Morris, C., & Lewis, T. T. (2021). Historical redlining and cardiovascular health: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(51).

See Dr. Tabb's Complete List of Published Works

Book Chapters

Klassen, A.C., Curriero, F., Tabb, L.P., Carroll-Scott, A. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Communities. In Jessica G. Burke & Steven M. Albert (Eds.), Methods for Community Health Research: Integrated and Engaged Approaches (pp. 19-44). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.


BST 569/869: Linear Statistical Models
BST 557 (PBHL 628-002): Survival Data Analysis
BST 701 (PBHL 686-001): Advanced Statistical Computing
PBHL 693-001: Bayesian Data Analysis

Recent Sponsored Research

Assessing the spatial heterogeneity in cardiovascular risk factors within and between blacks and whites (NHLBI, Principle Investigator)

Examining the Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Relationship of Alcohol Outlets and Violence in Urban Settings Before and After Privatization (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Principle Investigator)

Expanding the Evidence of Healing Hurt People (Annie E. Casey Foundation, Co-Investigator)

ATD: Improving Analysis of Microbial Mixtures through Sparse Reconstruction Algorithms and Statistical Inference (NSF, Co-Investigator)

Recent Student Projects

    Doctoral (Chair):

    • Bayesian Spatial Statistical Methods for Operationalizing and Estimating the Impact of Racialized Economic Segregation in the US
    • A Spatial Assessment of the Impact of Residential Segregation on Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiovascular Health Across The United States
    • Estimation of the Informativeness of the Conditional Autoregressive Model Framework with Applications. (Co-Chair)

    Doctoral (Committee Member):

    • Statistical and Machine Learning Contributions to the Analysis of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
    • Propensity Score Methods for Spatial, Temporal, and Spatiotemporal Data
    • Addressing Overdose Risk among Recently Incarcerated People Living with HIV/AIDS
    • Fetal Testosterone and Early Autism Spectrum Disorder Related Neurodevelopment Outcomes
    • Mobility in Older Adults: Relation to Social and Physical Environment
    • Epidemiology of HIV-1 and Hepatitis Virus Co-Infection: Distribution and Pathogenesis in an Urban Clinic Population
    • Empiric Antibiotic Prescribing and Outcomes in Children Hospitalized with Community Acquired Pneumonia

    Masters (MS, Advisor and/or Preceptor):

    • Initiative 1183: Does Privatization Affect the Relationship Between Alcohol Outlets and Violence?
    • Devising a Bayesian Criteria for Monitoring Safety in Clinical Trials: Application to Osteoporosis Study
    • Effect of Age of Initial Licensure on Crash Risk for New Jersey Novice Drivers
    • Counting Process Cox PH Model: A Novel Method for Analyzing Thrombosis-Free Access Survival in Hemodialysis Patients
    • Preoperative Delays for Breast Cancer Patients in the National Cancer Database
    • The Incidence of Parkinson’s Disease in Warfarin Users

    Masters (MPH, Advisor):

    • Longitudinal Associations Between Neighborhood Amenities and Mobility in Older Adults
    • Local No. 22 Philadelphia Firefighter and Paramedic Union: A Secondary Analysis of Member Injuries, Civilian Injuries, and Fire Incidence Reports
    • Factors Associated with Being Clear or Almost Clear of Psoriasis in Patients Receiving Adalimumab, Etanercept, or Methotrexate as Part of Routine Clinical Care