Jessie Kemmick Pintor, PhD, MPH

Headshot of Jessie Pintor

Assistant Professor
Health Management and Policy, Center for Population Health and Community Impact
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PhD, Health Services Research, Policy & Administration, University of Minnesota
MPH, Maternal & Child Health, University of Minnesota
BA, Sociology, Concordia University


Dr. Kemmick Pintor is a mixed-methods health services researcher whose work addresses immigration and healthcare policy, disparities in access to and quality of care for children and families, and the effectiveness of population health interventions. Her work uses a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, including community-based participatory approaches, to measure and understand healthcare access.

She holds a PhD in Health Services Research, Policy & Administration and an MPH in Maternal & Child Health from the University of Minnesota, and completed an AHRQ-funded postdoctoral fellowship in Quality, Safety, & Comparative Effectiveness at the UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy & Research. Prior to entering graduate school, she spent six years working with Latino immigrant families in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Research Interests

  • Community Based Participatory Research
  • Immigrant Health
  • Health Disparities
  • Health Services Research
  • Health Policy
  • Maternal & Child Health
  • Mixed Methods
  • Immigration Policy


Kemmick Pintor, J, et al. Disparities in pediatric provider availability by insurance type after the ACA in California. Academic Pediatrics, 2018.

Kemmick Pintor, J, et al. Insurance coverage and utilization improve for Latino youth but disparities by heritiage group persist following the ACA. Medical Care, 2018;56(11):927-933.

Ortega, AN, McKenna, RM, Kemmick Pintor, J, et al. Health care access and physical and behavioral health among undocumented Latinos in California. Medical Care, 2018;56(11):919-926.

Kemmick Pintor, J, Mitchell, D, Schenker, MB. Exploring the role of depression as moderator of a workplace obesity intervention for Latino immigrant farmworkers. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 2018.

Barry, CL, Bandara, S, Arnold, KT, Kemmick Pintor, J, et al. Television advertising of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act increasingly targeted young and healthy consumers. Journal of Health Policy, Politics & Law, 2018;43(6):961-989.

Call, KT, Lukanen, E, Spencer, D, Alarcón-Espinoza, G, Kemmick Pintor, J, et al. Coverage gains after the ACA for the uninsured in Minnesota. American Journal of Public Health, 2015;105(S5):S658-S664.

Kemmick Pintor, J, McAlpine, D, Beebe, TJ, Johnson, PJ. Propensity score matching to measure the effect of survey mode on reports of racial and ethnic discrimination in health care. Medical Care, 2015;53(5):471-476. 

Han, X, Call, KT, Kemmick Pintor, J, Simon, AB, Alarcón-Espinoza, G. Reports of insurance-based discrimination in health care and its association with access to care. American Journal of Public Health, 2015;105(S3):S517-S525.

Flynn, P, Call, KT, Kemmick Pintor, J, Elmi, N. The projected impact of the Affordable Care Act on dental care for adult Medicaid enrollees, Journal of Health Care for the Poor & Underserved, 2014;25(1):79-94.

Dybdal, K, Blewett, LA, Kemmick Pintor, J, Johnson, K. Putting out the Welcome Mat: Targeting outreach efforts under the Affordable Care Act, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2014;21(1):51-58.

Blewett, LA, Marmor, S, Kemmick Pintor, J, Boudreaux, M. Aligning US health and immigration policy to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis, The International Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease, 2014;18(4):397-404.

Garcia, C, Kemmick Pintor, J, Vazquez, G, Alvarez-Zumarraga, E. Project Wings, a coping intervention for Latina adolescents: A pilot study. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2013;35:434-458.

Shippee, T, Henning-Smith, C, Kemmick Pintor, J, Shippee, N. Call, KT, Johnson, PJ. Discrimination in medical settings and attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine: The role of distrust in conventional providers, Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 2013;6(1):30-45.

Shippee, N, Kemmick Pintor, J, McAlpine, D, Beebe, TJ. Need, access, and quality of interpreter services among publicly insured Latino, Hmong, and Somali individuals in Minnesota. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 2012;23(3):1073-81. 

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