Gabriel L. Schwartz, PhD

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Assistant Professor
Health Management & Policy, Drexel FIRST Program
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PhD, Population Health Sciences, Harvard University
BA degrees in Human Biology and Sociology, Brown University


Gabriel L. Schwartz, PhD, is a social epidemiologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Management & Policy, with a secondary appointment in Nursing at Drexel's College of Nursing and Health Professions. Dr. Schwartz joined the Dornsife School of Public Health as part of the second cohort of the Drexel FIRST (Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation) program. He is also a faculty member at the Drexel Urban Health Collaborative.

Dr. Schwartz' work examines how social stratification and the places we live shape health across the life course. It treats structural, racialized exploitation as a population health problem, including housing insecurity, segregation, and the criminal legal system. Ongoing lines of research specifically focus on the health impacts of eviction and on how racial segregation in our schools and neighborhoods bends health trajectories as children age, as well as descriptive work about the population health burden of police violence.

Dr. Schwartz holds a PhD in Population Health Sciences from Harvard University and BA degrees in Human Biology and Sociology from Brown University. He completed his postdoctoral training at University of California, San Francisco.

Dr. Schwartz' personal website is

Research Interests

  • Social Epidemiology
  • Health Inequities
  • Urban Health
  • Housing
  • Segregation
  • Police Violence
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Social Policy
  • Life Course Epidemiology
  • Structural Racism
  • Social Stratification


Recent Publications:

Schwartz GL, Chiang AY, Wang G, Kim MH, White JS, Hamad R. (In press.) Testing mediating pathways between school segregation and health: Evidence on peer prejudice and health behaviors. Social Science & Medicine.

Leifheit KM, Schwartz GL, Pollack CE, Althoff KN, Lê-Scherban F, Black MM, Jennings JM.(In press.) Moving due to unaffordable housing and disrupted social safety net access among children. Pediatrics.

Schwartz GL, Glymour MM. (2023.) Bridging the divide: Tackling tensions between life course epidemiology and causal inference. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 5(1).

Leifheit KM, Schwartz GL. (2023). Eviction & children’s health: investing in data, acting on what we know. JAMA Network Open, 6(4): e237618.

Schwartz GL, Jahn JL, Geller A. (2022). Policing sexuality: sexual minority youth, police contact, and health inequities. SSM – Population Health, 101292.

Wang G, Schwartz GL, Kershaw KN, McGowan C, Kim MH, Hamad R. (2022). The association of residential racial segregation with health among U.S. children: a nationwide longitudinal study. SSM – Population Health, 19: 101250.

Schwartz GL, Jahn JL. (2022). Disaggregating Asian American and Pacific Islander risk of fatal police violence. PLOS One, 17(10): e0274745.

Schwartz GL, Wang G, Kershaw KN, McGowan C, Kim MH, Hamad R. (2022). The long shadow of residential racial segregation: Associations between childhood residential segregation trajectories and young adult health among Black US Americans. Health & Place, 77: 102904.

Kim MH, Schwartz GL, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon SF, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Collin DF, Hamad R. (2022). School racial segregation and long-term cardiovascular health among black adults in the US: A quasi-experimental study. PLOS Medicine, 19(6): e1004031.

Leifheit KL, Schwartz GL, Pollack CE, Linton S. (2022). Building health equity through housing policies: Critical reflections and future directions for research. JECH, 76(8): 759-763.

Wang G, Schwartz GL, Kim MH, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon S, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Inamdar P, Hamad R. (2022). Association of school racial segregation with the health of Black children: A quasi-experimental study. Pediatrics, e2021055952.

Schwartz GL*, Feldman JM*, Wang SS, Glied SA. (2022). Eviction, healthcare utilization, and disenrollment among NYC Medicaid patients. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 62(2): 157-164. * Co-first authors.

Leifheit KM, Pollack CE, Raifman J, Schwartz GL, et al. (2021). Variation in state-level eviction moratorium protections and mental health among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA Network Open, 4(12): e2139585.

Schwartz GL, Leifheit KM, Chen JT, Arcaya MC, Berkman LF. (2021). Childhood eviction and cognitive skills: Developmental timing-specific associations in an urban birth cohort. Social Science & Medicine, e114544.

Chien YS, Schwartz GL, Huang L, Kawachi I. (2021). State LGBTQ policies and binge drinking among sexual minority youth in the U.S.: A multilevel analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(1): 183-194.

View Dr. Schwartz' full publications list on ResearchGate