Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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PhD, Quantitative Psychology, Temple University
MA, Quantitative Psychology, Temple University
BA, Mathematics, Temple University
Dr. Ed Gracely received his Ph.D. from Temple University in 1986 and has been a faculty member at Drexel University (or institutions that later merged with Drexel, notably MCP) since then. He has been involved with the School of Public Health almost since its inception, playing a substantial role in the design and implementation of the MD-MPH curriculum and the original statistics and epidemiology blocks in Year-1. He is currently the course director and instructor for the in-person SPH Introduction to Biostatistics course (for which he received a Golden Apple award in 2011), and a mentor each year to several masters students. He is a member of the departmental MPH committee and the schoolwide Executive Committee of the Faculty. He has served in the past as a member of the SPH Educational Coordinating Committee, and as Chair of the CBMP (Masters project) Oversight Committee, as Chair of the SPH Bylaws Committee. He was a long-time member of the SPH Admissions Committee.
In addition to his SPH activities, Dr. Gracely also teaches statistics and research design to medical students and biomedical graduate students, and serves on Drexel’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee as well as the medical school’s Preclinical Student Promotions Committee. He also serves on the editorial board of both Pain and Pain Medicine, and has a substantial number of publications reflecting collaborative work with primary researchers. His research interests include the logic of multiple comparisons, statistics education, and ethical philosophy. Dr. Gracely is a member of the American Statistical Association, webmaster (and former member) of the ASA's Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights, and webmaster, formerly newsletter editor, for the Section on Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences (from which he received the Distinguished Service Award in 2011). He is active in Statistics Without Borders, which provides pro bono consulting services to low-resource researchers, mostly in developing countries.
Research Interests
- Data Analysis Methods
- Statistical consulting
- Biostatistics
- Multiple comparisons
I am primarily a consulting statistician, although I have published first-author work in several areas. I work with a wide array of researchers at Drexel and sometimes outside institutions. I have over 150 consulting and personal publications plus some book chapters, presentations, and so on. Here are examples in selected areas:
1. Commentaries and Editorials on statistical methods
a) Gracely, EJ, A statistical point of view. (A brief, invited commentary piece on an illustrative article) in Lab Animal, 1998 (July/August), 27(7), 20.
b) Gracely, E The Role of Quasi-Experimental Designs in Pain Research (Editorial) Pain Medicine, 2004 (June), 52 (2), 146-147.
c) Gracely, EJ, So, why do I have to correct for multiple comparisons? Concepts and commentary on Turk et al., Pain, 2008 (Oct 31): 481-482.
2. Collaborative work in medical education
a) Barrett, MJ, Kuzma, MA, Seto, TM, Richards, P, Mason, D, Barrett, D, Gracely, EJ. The Power Of Repetition In Mastering Cardiac Auscultation: A Psychoacoustic Model. American Journal of Medicine, 2006 (Jan.), 119(1), 73-75.
b) Daetwyler CJ, Cohen DG, Gracely E & Novack DH. eLearning to enhance physician patient communication: A pilot test of "" and "WebEncounter" in teaching bad news delivery. Medical Teacher. 2010 (Sept.) V32 (9) e381-e390.
c) Simmons BB, Petrie A, Gracely E. Impact and Reception of a Required 4-Week Palliative Medicine Rotation. Family Medicine, 2018 (April); 50(4), 287-290.
d) Li H, Novack DH, Duke P, Gracely E, Cestone, C, Davis T Predictors of medical students' ethical decision-making: a pilot study using the Theory of Interpersonal Behavior. Patient Education and Counseling. 2020 Available online ahead of print at
3. Public Health
a) Campbell C, Gracely E, Tran M, Starkey N, Kersten H, Palermo P, Rothman N, Line L, Hansen-turton T. Primary prevention of lead exposure--blood lead results at age two years, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012 (April) 9, 1216-1226, open access online at:
b) Baker, JL, Rodgers CRR, Davis ZM, Gracely E, and Bowleg L. Results from a Secondary Data Analysis Regarding Satisfaction with Health Care among African American Women Living with HIV/AIDS. JOGNN, Sept-Oct 2014, 43, 664-676.
c) Jayakumaran JS, Aaron E, Gracely E, Schriver E, Szep Z. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Acceptability of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Individuals Living with HIV in an Urban HIV Clinic. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource]. 11(2):e0145670, 2016.
d) Wang Q, Gracely EJ, Liu L Evidence linking air pollution and blood pressure mediated by body weight in China Epub ahead of print, April 2020 Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health.
4. Physical Therapy (mostly from doctoral committees)
a) Begnoche DM, Chiarello LA, Palisano RJ, Gracely EJ, Westcott McCoy S, Orlin MO. Predictors of Independent Walking in Young Children with Cerebral Palsy. Physical Therapy, June 18, 2015 (e pub ahead of print). Print: Feb 2016; 96(2), 183-192.
b) An M, Palisano RJ, Yi C, Chiarello LA, Dunst CJ, Gracely EJ. Effects of a Collaborative Intervention Process on Parent-Therapist Interaction: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, Published online 2018 (08): , DOI: 10.1080/01942638.2018.1496965.
c) Wynarczuk KD, Chiarello LA, Fisher K, Effgen S, Palisano RJ, & Gracely E. Development of student goals in school-based practice: Physical therapists’ experiences and perceptions. . Disability & Rehabilitation, published online May 14, 2019
5. Philosophy
a) Gracely, EJ. Playing games with infinity: The devil's offer. Analysis, l988, 48, 113. Reprinted in Fogelin, RJ & Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter Understanding Arguments, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Orlando, FL, 1991, pp 278-279. Reprinted in Palmer, M The question of God, Routledge, London, 2001.
b) Gracely, EJ. Comment on Shrader-Frechette's 'Parfit and mistakes in moral mathematics'. Ethics, 1989, 100, 157-159.
a) Gracely, EJ. On the noncomparability of judgments made by different ethical theories. Metaphilosophy, 1996 (July), 27(3), 327-332.
Additional publications via PubMed
Book Chapters
a) Gracely, EJ, Justification of the number of animals to be used, Chapter 13, pp 237-251 in Silverman, J, Suckow, MA, and Murthy, S, The IACUC Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, third edition 2014. I had a similar chapter in the two previous editions as well.
b) Rotz, W and Gracely EJ, General Principles for Statistical Election Auditing, Chapter 6.5.1, pp 220-230, in Scheuren FJ and Alvey, W, Elections and Exit Polling, Wiley 2008.
c) Gracely, EJ, Statistics and Clinical Trials In: Brady L., Yaeger T. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Radiation Oncology, New York, Springer, 2012 (October).
Fall BST 571 Introduction of Biostatistics