Brent A. Langellier, PhD, MA

Brent Langellier

Associate Professor
Health Management and Policy
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PhD, Community Health Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles
MA, Latin American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
BA, Spanish Literature and Latin American Studies, University of Arizona


My research seeks to understand and address drivers of health disparities, particularly those experienced by Latinos and other racial/ethnic minorities, immigrants, and the poor. I have interest in several health behaviors and outcomes for which disparities are large in magnitude and persistent over time or across urban contexts. Much of my research has focused on food behaviors, diet-related chronic disease, participation in public programs, and access to health insurance. I use a range of methods, including analyses of primary and secondary observational data and both participatory and simulation-based complex systems approaches. Currently, much of my research uses complex systems methods (e.g., agent-based simulation models, group model building) to generate insights about the drivers of health disparities and to identify policy levers to address disparities.

Research Interests

  • Health disparities
  • Diet disparities
  • Latino health
  • Immigrant health
  • Health policy
  • Complex systems


López-Olmedo N, Stern D, Bakhtsiyarava M, Pérez-Ferrer C, Langellier, BA. "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with the Mexican Diet: Identifying Social Groups with the Largest Carbon Footprint." Frontiers in Nutrition 2022: 559.

Langellier BA, Fleming PJ, Kemmick Pintor JB, Stimpson JP. Allostatic Load Among U.S.- and Foreign-Born Whites, Blacks, and Latinx. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2021;60(2):159-168.

Langellier BA. Policy Recommendations to Address High Risk of COVID-19 Among Immigrants. American Journal of Public Health. 2020;110(8):1137-1139.

Yang Y, Langellier BA, Stankov I, Purtle J, Nelson KL, Diez Roux AV. Examining the possible impact of daily transport on depression among older adults using an agent-based model. Aging & Mental Health. 2019;23(6):743-751.

Purtle J, Langellier BA, Lê-Scherban F. A Case Study of the Philadelphia Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Policymaking Process: Implications for Policy Development and Advocacy. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2018. 24(1) 4-8.

Langellier BA, Lê-Scherban F, Purtle J. Funding quality pre-kindergarten slots with Philadelphia’s new ‘sugary drink tax’: simulating effects of using an excise tax to address a social determinant of health. Public Health Nutrition. 2017. 20(13) 2450-2458.

Langellier BA. Social gradients in food expenditures and prepared food consumption among Mexican adults. Salud Pública de México. 2015 Jan; 57(1), 4-13.

Langellier BA, Glik D, Ortega AN, Prelip M. Trends in racial/ethnic disparities in overweight self-perception among U.S. adults, 1988-1994 and 1999-2008. Public Health Nutrition. 2015 Aug. 18(12) 2115-2125.

Ortega AN, Albert SL, Chan-Golston AM, Langellier BA, Glik DC, Belin TR, Garcia RE, Brookmeyer R, Sharif MZ, Prelip ML. Substantial Improvements Not Seen in Health Behaviors Following Corner Store Conversions in Two Latino Food Swamps. BMC Public Health. 2016 May. Available at:

Langellier BA and Massey PM. Nutrition activation and dietary intake disparities among US adults. 2016 Dec. 19(17) 3123-3134. Public Health Nutrition. Available at:

Langellier BA, Lê-Scherban F, Purtle J. Funding quality pre-kindergarten slots with Philadelphia’s new ‘sugary drink tax’: simulating effects of using an excise tax to address a social determinant of health.

Langellier BA, Chen J, Vargas-­‐Bustamante A, Inkelas M, Ortega AN. Understanding health care access and utilization disparities among Latino children in the United States. Journal of Child Health Care. Published online ahead of print.

Valdez L, Langellier BA. Racial/Ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in mental health in Arizona. Frontiers in Public Health. 2015 Jul. Available online at:

Langellier BA, Glik D, Ortega AN, Prelip M. Trends in racial/ethnic disparities in overweight self-­‐ perception among U.S. adults, 1988-­‐1994 and 1999-­‐2008. Public Health Nutrition. 2015 Jul. 18(12) 2115-­‐2125.

Sharif MZ, Garza JR , Langellier BA, Kuo AA , Glik DC,  Prelip ML, Ortega AN. Mobilizing young people in community efforts to improve the food environment: corner store conversions in East Los Angeles. Public Health Reports. 2015 Jul-­‐Aug; 130, 406-­‐415.

Chaparro MP, Langellier BA, Wang MC, Whaley SE. Effects of Parental Nativity and Length of Stay in the US on Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among WIC-­‐Enrolled Preschool-­‐Aged Children. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2015 Apr; 17(2) 333-­‐338.

Langellier BA. Social gradients in food expenditures and prepared food consumption among Mexican adults. Salud Pública de México. 2015 Jan; 57(1), 4-­‐13.

Ortega AN, Albert SL, Sharif MZ, Langellier BA, Garcia RE, Glik DC, Brookmeyer R, Chan-­‐Golston A, Friedlander S, Prelip ML. Proyecto MercadoFRESCO: A Multi-­‐level, Community-­‐engaged Corner Store Intervention in East Los Angeles and Boyle Heights. Journal of Community Health. 2015 Apr; 40(2), 347-­‐356.

Sharif MZ, Rizzo S, Prelip ML, Glik D, Belin TR, Langellier BA, Kuo A, Garza JR, Ortega AN. The Association between Nutrition Facts Label Utilization and Comprehension among Latinos in Two East Los Angeles Neighborhoods. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015 Dec; 114 (12), 1915-­‐1922.

Langellier BA, Guernsey de Zapien J, Rosales C, Ingram M, Carvajal SC. State Medicaid expansion, community interventions, and health care disparities in a United States-­‐Mexico border community. American Journal of Public Health. 2014 Aug; 104(8): e94-­‐e100.

Langellier BA, Brookmeyer R, Wang MC, Glik D. Language use affects food behaviors and food values among Mexican-­‐origin adults in the U.S. Public Health Nutrition. Published online ahead of print.