Anneclaire De Roos, PhD, MPH

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Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Environmental and Occupational Health
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PhD, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
MPH, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California at Berkeley
BA, Geography, University of California at Los Angeles


Anneclaire De Roos is an environmental epidemiologist with extensive experience studying chemical, physical, and biological exposures as risk factors for chronic and acute health outcomes including cancer, asthma, and infectious illnesses. Exposure settings of interest include the workplace (pesticides, solvents) and residential communities (pollution, water contamination). Current projects focus on the nexus between the natural environment and human health – such as risks from extreme weather and potential benefits from urban greenspace.

Dr. De Roos is currently funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to conduct a large study of the possible influence of greenspace exposure in early life on development of asthma and allergies (R21ES032963). She is examining this topic within a birth cohort assembled using electronic health records from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, including over 200,000 children living in the Philadelphia metropolitan region, with linkage to highly spatiotemporal data by children’s individual geocoded addresses. Several greenspace measures will be examined, including overall vegetation density, tree canopy coverage, grass/shrubs, vegetation diversity, street tree species and spatial patterning of vegetation, and these measures will be examined as time-window specific (e.g., infancy) and cumulative greenspace exposures over follow-up.

In the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel, Dr. De Roos is the primary instructor for “Evidence Evaluation in Environmental Health”, a required course for Drexel PhD students, as well as classes in quantitative risk assessment and epidemiologic methods.

She has served on several expert committees in recent years including those assessing carcinogenicity of current-use pesticides for IARC, drafting NIEHS’s Report on Carcinogens for formaldehyde, and reviewing EPA’s health risk assessment documents for trichloroethylene (TCE) and consumer use of paint stripper products.

Research Interests

  • Environmental Exposures
  • Occupational Health
  • Spatial Analysis or GIS
  • Health and Place or Built Environment
  • Urban Health
  • Pesticides
  • Risk Assessment
  • Drinking Water
  • Green Landscape in Cities


Click for full list of publications in PubMed.

Huang W, Schinasi LH, Kenyon CC, Auchincloss AH, Moore K, Melly S, Robinson LF, Forrest CB, De Roos AJ. Do respiratory virus infections modify associations of asthma exacerbation with aeroallergens or fine particulate matter? A time series study in Philadelphia PA. Int J Environ Health Res. 2024 Jan 2:1-12. doi: 10.1080/09603123.2023.2299249. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38164931.

Schinasi LH, De Roos AJ. Invited Perspective: Important New Evidence for Glyphosate Hazard Assessment. Environ Health Perspect. 2023 Dec;131(12):121305. doi: 10.1289/EHP14256. Epub 2023 Dec 6. PMID: 38055049; PMCID: PMC10699408.

De Roos AJ, Kenyon CC, Yen YT, Moore K, Melly S, Hubbard RA, Maltenfort M, Forrest CB, Diez Roux AV, Schinasi LH. Does living near trees and other vegetation affect the contemporaneous odds of asthma exacerbation among pediatric asthma patients? J Urban Health. 2022 Jun;99(3):533-548. doi: 10.1007/s11524-022-00633-7. Epub 2022 Apr 25.PMID: 35467328

Schinasi LH, Kenyon CC, Hubbard RA, Zhao Y, Maltenfort M, Moore K, Forrest CB, Diez Roux AV, De Roos AJ. Associations between high ambient temperatures and asthma exacerbations among children in Philadelphia, PA: A time series analysis. Occup Environ Med. 2022 May;79(5):326-332. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-107823. Epub 2022 Mar 4.

De Roos AJ, Schinasi LH, Miligi L, Cerhan JR, Bhatti P, ‘t Mannetje A, Baris D, Benavente Y, Benke G, Clavel J, Casabonne D, Fritschi L, Hofmann JN, Huynh T, Monnereau A, Piro S, Slager SL, Vajdic CM, Wang SS, Zhang Y, Bernstein L, Cocco P. Occupational insecticide exposure and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a pooled case-control study from the InterLymph consortium. Int J Cancer. 2021 Nov 15;149(10):1768-1786. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33740. Epub 2021 Jul 29.PMID: 34270795

De Roos AJ, Kenyon CC, Zhao Y, Moore K, Melly S, Hubbard RA, Henrickson SE, Forrest CB, Diez Roux AV, Maltenfort M, Schinasi LH. Ambient daily pollen levels in association with asthma exacerbation among children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Environ Int. 2020 Dec;145:106138. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106138. Epub 2020 Sep 19. PMID: 32961469

Schinasi LH, Kenyon CC, Moore K, Melly S, Zhao Y, Hubbard R, Maltenfort M, Diez Roux AV, Forrest CB, De Roos AJ. Heavy precipitation and asthma exacerbation risk among children: A case-crossover study using electronic health records linked with geospatial data. Environ Res. 2020 Sep;188:109714. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109714. Epub 2020 Jun 4. PMID: 32559685

De Roos AJ, Kondo MC, Robinson LF, Rai A, Ryan M, Haas CN, Lojo J, Fagliano JA. Heavy precipitation, drinking water source, and acute gastrointestinal illness in Philadelphia, 2015-2017. PLoS One. 2020 Feb 24;15(2):e0229258. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229258. PMID: 32092111; PMCID: PMC7039462

Schinasi LH, Benmarhnia T, De Roos AJ. Modification of the association between high ambient temperature and health by urban microclimate indicators: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Res 2018 Feb;161:168-180. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.11.004. Epub 2017 Nov 14

De Roos AJ, Gurian PL, Robinson LF, Rai A, Zakeri I, Kondo MC. Review of epidemiological studies of drinking water turbidity in relation to acute gastrointestinal illness. Environ Health Perspect 2017 Aug 17;125(8):086003. doi: 10.1289/EHP1090

De Roos AJ, Koehoorn M, Tamburic L, Davies H, Brauer M. Proximity to traffic, ambient air pollution, and community noise in relation to rheumatoid arthritis. Environ Health Perspect 2014;122:1075-80. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1307413

De Roos AJ, Hartge P, Colt JS, Blair A, Airola M, Severson RK, Cozen W, Cerhan JR, Davis S, Nuckols JR, Ward MH. Residential proximity to industrial facilities and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Environ Res 2010;110(1):70-8. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2009.09.011. Epub. (PMCID: PMC2795078)

Williams L, Ulrich CM, Larson T, Wener MH, Wood B, Campbell PT, Potter J, McTiernan A, De Roos AJ. Proximity to traffic in relation to inflammation and immune function among women in the Seattle area. Environ Health Perspect 2009;117(3):373-8. doi: 10.1289/ehp.11580. Epub 2008 Oct 16. (PMCID: PMC2661906)

De Roos AJ, Blair A, Rusiecki J, Hoppin JA, Svec M, Dosemeci M, Sandler D, Alavanja MC. Cancer incidence among glyphosate-exposed pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study cohort. Environ Health Perspect 2005(1);113:49-54. (PMCID: PMC1253709).