Wellness Workshops

Our Wellness Workshop program provides opportunities for students to develop and/or expand their coping toolbox through a three-to-four session-formatted workshop.

Workshops are different from group therapy in that they are psychoeducational and didactical in nature, focusing on learning, practicing coping skills, and providing activities to encourage self-reflection. Please note that workshop members may be invited but are not expected to share their reflections. Descriptions of commonly offered workshops are found below. To view our upcoming workshops, you will need to log in through Drexel Connect:

View and Register for Upcoming Workshops

Workshop Descriptions

The Coping Strategies Workshop Series will help participants learn various ways to manage difficult life situations:

COAST: Coping and Stress
Stress is an inevitable part of life. However, it is a normal part of life, and it isn’t always a bad thing. Attend this workshop to identify and learn helpful ways to coast through life stressors.

Staying Afloat: Managing Difficult Emotions
Intense emotions can feel like drowning in the midst of crashing waves. This workshop helps you learn to create a “life raft” in learning how to stay above the water to cope with those emotions.

Embrace Mindfulness
Help your mind to fully attend to what’s happening in the present to decrease distress, improve mental/physical health, and increase overall happiness.

Mindset: Reset Your Mindset
Our minds are a powerful thing that can impact your overall life, so it only makes sense to take care of it! This workshop will help you learn about your thoughts and strategies to reset your mindset.

*The Coping Strategies Workshop series is based on the University of Maryland Counseling Center's Wellness Workshop series.

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Crisis Resources