About the Counseling Center

The Drexel University Counseling Center offers free, confidential counseling services to currently enrolled full-time undergraduate and graduate students in an atmosphere that is welcoming and comfortable for all students.

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Diversity Statement

Drexel University Counseling Center seeks to affirm, value, honor and celebrate diversity using a cultural humility lens. We are committed to being aware of and understanding diversity in its broadest sense. We view this commitment as a life-long learning journey. Consequently, we continue to seek opportunities to educate ourselves about other cultures and their diverse worldviews. We are dedicated to extending this spirit to the students we serve, treating all with dignity and respect.

Prejudice and discrimination in the areas of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, age, body size/shape, political ideology, socio-economic status, and religious/spiritual beliefs are detrimental to the populations we serve as well as to our own personal and professional development. We are committed to working toward recognizing, confronting, and eliminating any forms of prejudice, oppression, and discrimination. We continue to build an open and trusting environment in which students feel free to explore and discuss their attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors in relation to others who are both similar to and different from ourselves. Our intention is to create an open and trusting space in which all students feel safe, valued, heard, and respected.

Land Acknowledgement Statement

The land on which Drexel University stands is Lenape land, and we pay respect and honor to the peoples of this land, from time immemorial until now, and into the future. We openly recognize the Lenape indigenous tribe as the original inhabitants of eastern Pennsylvania. Acknowledging this history is consistent with the University's commitment to diversity and inclusion. Drexel recognizes the historical links between the land on which the University sits and the Lenape peoples. We honor and respect the enduring relationship that exists between these peoples and nations and this land. This acknowledgment is one small act in the ongoing process of working to be in good relationship with the land and the indigenous peoples who act as its caretakers.

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Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Crisis Resources