Core Faculty Directory

Contact Information Research Interests
Fred Allen

Teaching Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

Bossone 703

Tissue Engineering, Cell Engineering, Orthopedics, Bone Remodeling, Wound Healing, Mechanotransduction, Signal Transduction, Adhesion, Migration

Hasan Ayaz

Associate Professor

Monell 101

Neuroergonomics, Functional Neuroimaging, Biomedical Signal Processing, Neuroengineering, Functional Near Infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI), Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI)

Sri Balasubramanian

Associate Professor

Bossone 713

Orthopedic biomechanics, Pediatric spine and rib cage deformities, Scoliosis, Computational modeling, Pediatric long bones, Animal models, Injury biomechanics, Spinal kinetics and kinematics, and Knee kinematics.

Kenneth A Barbee, PhD

Professor, Senior Associate Dean, and Associate Dean for Research

Bossone 714

Cellular biomechanics of neural and vascular injury, mechanotransduction in the cardiovascular system, mechanical control of growth and development for wound healing and tissue engineering

Vikas Bhandawat, PhD

Associate Professor

Bossone 602

Sensorimotor integration, whole-cell patch clamp and imaging in behaving animals, optogenetics, neuromechanics, locomotion.

Distinguished University Professor and Dean

Bossone 718-A

Environmental health, particularly the molecular biology and molecular epidemiology of environmental carcinogenesis, and protein engineering for the development of novel peptide therapies for the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Jaimie Dougherty

Associate Teaching Professor

Bossone 611

Brain-computer interface, neural encoding, electrophysiological signal acquisition and processing.

John Eberth

Associate Professor

Bossone 612

Aortopathy, aneurysm mechanics and attenuation, endothelial dysfunction, coronary/peripheral artery disease, theranostics, arterial stiffening, perfusion tissue culture, hemodynamics, nonlinear solid mechanics, biomimetics, congenital heart defects, hydrogel mechanics, tissue-engineered vascular grafts, and medial calcification chelation therapy.

Lin Han


Bossone 711

Nanoscale structure-property relationships of biological materials, genetic and molecular origins of soft joint tissue diseases, biomaterials under extreme conditions, coupling between stimulus-responsiveness and geometry


Assistant Professor

Develop innovative engineering platforms and analytical methods to advance understanding and control of immunotherapies.

Kurtulus Izzetoglu

Associate Professor

Monell 102

Biomedical optics, biomedical signal processing, functional brain imaging, near Infrared spectroscopy, human performance, learning, simulation-based training, human-autonomy teaming, anesthesia care and sedation monitoring, traumatic brain injury.

Andres Kriete

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs,
Teaching Professor

Bossone 718-B

Complex systems biology, robustness, thermodynamics, control theory, semantic information processing, biomedical imaging.

Peter A. Lewin

Richard B. Beard Distinguished University Professor

Bossone 701

Ultrasonic characterization of materials, propagation of ultrasonic waves in inhomogeneous media, electro-acoustic transducers, biological effects of ultrasound, physical acoustics, and underwater acoustics

Hualou Liang


Monell 103

Neuroengineering, machine learning, cognitive and computational neuroscience, neural data analysis and computational modeling, biomedical signal processing

Donald McEachron

Teaching Professor and Coordinator for Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement

Bossone 719

Animal behavior, autoradiography, biological rhythms, cerebral metabolism, evolutionary theory, image processing, neuroendocrinology

Kambiz Pourrezai


Monell 105

Nanotechnology, near infrared imaging (NIR), medical devices

Christopher B. Rodell, PhD

Assistant Professor

Bossone 603

Biomaterials, supramolecular chemistry, and drug delivery. Therapeutic applications including the etiology of disease, organ injury, cardiovascular engineering, immune engineering, and biomedical imaging.

Ahmet Sacan

Teaching Professor

Bossone 702

Bioinformatics, analysis of genomic and proteomic databases, machine learning, and biomarker discovery for chronic pain syndromes.

Joseph J. Sarver

Teaching Professor

Bossone 704

Neuromuscular adaptation to changes in the myo-mechanical environment

Patricia Shewokis


Bellet Building 523

Movement science, smart prosthetics, "brain-in-the-loop" cognitive technologies, motor learning, human performance, biofeedback, neural imaging, statistics and measurement, and brain-computer interface (BCI).

Adrian Shieh

Teaching Professor

Bossone 710

3-D cell culture, cancer, cell and tissue engineering, extracellular matrix, fibroblasts, interstitial flow, mechanobiology, mechanotransduction, tumor invasion and metastasis, tumor microenvironment

Teaching Interests

Active learning, biomechanics, cell and molecular biology, cell and tissue engineering, problem-based learning, STEM education

Wan Shih


Monell 104

Piezoelectric microcantilever biosensors development, piezoelectric finger development, quantum dots development, tissue elasticity imaging, and piezoelectric microcantilever force probes.

Kara Spiller

URBN Professor of Biomedical Innovation

Bossone 712

Macrophage-biomaterial interactions, drug delivery systems, and chronic wound healing.

Amy Throckmorton


Bossone 413-F

Computational and experimental fluid dynamics; cardiovascular modeling, including transient, fluid-structure interaction, and patient-specific anatomical studies; bench-to-bedside development of medical devices; artificial organs research; prediction and quantification of blood trauma and thrombosis in medical devices; design of therapeutic alternatives for patients with dysfunctional single ventricle physiology; human factors engineering of mechanical circulatory assist devices

Catherine von Reyn, PhD

Associate Professor

Bossone 601

Cell type-specific genetic engineering, whole-cell patch clamp in behaving animals, modeling, and detailed behavioral analysis to identify and characterize sensorimotor circuits.

Margaret Wheatley

John M. Reid Professor

Bossone 511

Ultrasound contrast agent development (imaging, tumor targeting and triggered drug and oxygen delivery), controlled release technology (bioactive compounds), ex vivo gene therapy for spinal cord repair.

Ming Xiao


Bossone 210

Micro/nanotechnology, single-molecule detection, genomic technology, DNA/RNA chemistry, human genomics, and bioinformatics.

Yinghui Zhong

Associate Professor

Bossone 716

Neural tissue engineering, spinal cord repair, cardiovascular diseases, drug delivery, biomaterial scaffolds, stem cells, neural electrode/tissue interface, and surface modification.