News Media Relations Policy
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 13, 2013
RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Senior Vice President, University Marketing & Communications
I. Purpose and Application
This policy centralizes media relations under the Office of University Marketing & Communications. For the purpose of this policy, news media shall refer to representatives of newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online publications, television and radio.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all Drexel University employees, faculty, trustees, officers and its subsidiaries on interacting with news media representatives.
III. Implementation
Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the University Office of Marketing and Communications. For inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact the Vice President of Strategic Communications at
IV. Statement of Policy and Procedure
Employees, faculty, colleges, schools or departments that seek to generate external media coverage about a program, event or achievement must first contact the University Marketing & Communications. Employees and faculty within Drexel’s College of Medicine and Drexel Athletics seeking to publicize any of the above should contact the designated communications representative within their respective units.
Failure to comply with this policy will be considered actionable behavior by senior management and could result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination.
University Marketing & Communications has access to numerous news media contacts and will work with faculty and staff to coordinate publicity or visibility for programs, events or newsworthy issues.
It is the responsibility of University Marketing & Communications to initiate and/or respond to news media requests and to manage those interactions. When an employee, faculty member or department is contacted directly by the news media, he/she is to notify University Marketing & Communications immediately.
While on University property or upon entering residence halls and other University’s facilities, news media representatives must be accompanied by a University Marketing & Communications staff member or a University employee designated by University Marketing & Communications.
Drexel University complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding the retention and release of personal and/or educational records of all current employees and students.
If an event attracts news media interest, all press releases and statements to the news media will be routed through, approved and disseminated by University Marketing & Communications. It is the responsibility of each college dean/department head to implement procedures to comply with this policy.
Under no circumstances should information pertaining to a case that is in litigation be discussed publicly without the prior approval of the Office of General Counsel.
Drexel reserves the right to photograph members of the University community including, but not limited to, its students, faculty and staff, in situations appropriate to the image of an academic institution, and to publish likenesses in Drexel University publications, video, websites, the news media, social media or other recruitment or promotional materials.
A. Drexel University College of Medicine
In conjunction with the official University policy above, this addendum provides additional policies specific to the College of Medicine.
Any College of Medicine employee or department that seeks to publicize a program, event, or achievement must contact the College of Medicine’s Marketing & Communications Department. It is the responsibility of the Marketing & Communications Department to initiate and/or respond to media requests and to manage those interactions.
If a College of Medicine employee is contacted by the media, he/she shall immediately refer the call to the Marketing & Communications Department and notify the department that the inquiry was made and referred. All press releases and statements to the news media that mention Drexel University College of Medicine or its employees, agents or representatives shall be routed through and disseminated by the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department.
While on College of Medicine property, owned or leased, media representatives must be accompanied by a staff member of the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department or an employee designated by the Marketing & Communications Department. Under no circumstances should information regarding a particular patient be discussed or released publicly without an appropriate signed consent form from the patient.
Furthermore, no applicable individual should promise any media representative that any other individual, including without limitation a patient and/or student will participate in an interview without prior approval of the Marketing & Communications Department.
Under no circumstances should information pertaining to a case that is in litigation be discussed publicly without the prior approval of the Office of General Counsel. Inquiries regarding this section should be directed to the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department at 215.255.7330.
B. Drexel Department of Athletics
In conjunction with the official University policy above, this addendum provides additional policies specific to Drexel Athletics.
Student-athletes, coaches and athletics administrators who are contacted by media, must direct all inquiries to the director for communications in the Athletic Communications Department to coordinate interviews.
Under no circumstances should information pertaining to a case that is in litigation be discussed publicly without the prior approval of the Office of General Counsel.
Interview requests on non-game days should be arranged 24-hours in advance. Media representatives on University property must be accompanied by an Athletic Communications staff member in order to gain access to coaches’ offices or team facilities.
Reporters, photographers and videographers who are covering a Drexel varsity athletics event must apply for a media credential through the Athletic Communication Department (215.895.1591) at least 24 hours prior to the event.
Drexel Athletics complies with all applicable NCAA, federal and state laws regarding the retention and release of personal and/or educational records of all current employees and students. Biographical and statistical information on student-athletes are provided by the Athletic Communications Department throughout the athletics season.
Inquiries regarding this section should be directed to the director for communications in the Athletic Communications Department at 215.895.1591.