Marketing, Advertising and Promotional Materials

Policy Number: UMAC-2
Effective Date: September 13, 2013
Responsible Officer: Senior Vice President, University Marketing & Communications

I. Purpose and Application

This policy establishes the position for the University and its subsidiaries regarding advertising, marketing, and promotional materials.  

  • For the purpose of this policy, “marketing materials” refers to advertising, marketing and promotional materials. This encompasses all written, printed, electronic, or graphic representations utilizing the University’s name, logos, trademarks, service marks, or URLs referring to any program, project, service, or operation of the University. 
  • For avoidance of doubt, marketing materials also includes any letterhead or print publication, as well as internet sites or postings, including social media sites that publicize the University in any way. 

II. Scope

This policy applies to all University faculty, employees, contractors, and agents; to all organizational units of the University, including departments, schools, institutes, centers, and programs; and to all officially recognized student organizations. For inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact Vice President of Marketing Communications at

III. Implementation

The Office of University Marketing & Communications is responsible for enforcement of this policy and can be a resource to the University community for production and design of marketing materials. Employees within the College of Medicine seeking to engage in the production and design of marketing materials should contact the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department. Failure to comply with this policy will be considered actionable behavior by senior management and could result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal.  For inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact

IV. Statement of Policy and Procedure

Marketing materials may not be published or disclosed to any party for the purposes of printing, publication or internet publication without the approval of the Office of University Marketing & Communications. All marketing materials, except recruitment ads formulated by the Human Resources Department, must be forwarded to University Marketing & Communications for review and approval not less than three full business days in advance of disclosure to any party for the purposes of design, printing or publication, including internet publication.

No entity or individual covered by this policy may engage any external contractor or business for public relations, advertising, marketing, or design without first obtaining the prior consent of University Marketing & Communications. In addition, all marketing media purchases, such as billboard, print, radio, and online advertising must be coordinated through University Marketing & Communications. 

All contracts for public relations, advertising, marketing, design, or related services (“marketing contracts”) must be submitted to University Marketing & Communications for review and approval in conjunction with the Office of the General Counsel, allowing not less than seven full business days for the review. The Senior Vice President for University Marketing & Communications or his/her designee shall review all marketing contracts and marketing materials for compliance with the University’s brand identity guidelines and other applicable policies. University Marketing & Communications reserves the sole and exclusive right to approve or reject marketing contracts and marketing materials.

A. Use of Drexel names, marks and logos

Any proposed logo, trademark, service mark, tradename, or URL must be reviewed and approved by University Marketing & Communications. If a department or individual wishes to apply for trademark rights in any marketing material, including logos, slogans, and words, the submitter must first obtain the approval of University Marketing & Communications. By making the submission, the submitter agrees to be responsible for all costs and fees in connection with the application and in connection with the maintenance of any resulting registration. All applications for protection of trademarks will be made through University Marketing & Communications who will then work in conjunction with the Office of the General Counsel to determine whether such trademark is available for use and registration. All such trademark applications and rights shall be owned exclusively by the University.

University Marketing & Communications has published Identity Guidelines, available online at, which should be referred to before any marketing materials are prepared.

B. Use of Copyrighted Material

Marketing materials must adhere to these guidelines for use of copyrighted materials: Copyrighted materials may only be reproduced or used with the prior written permission of the copyright owners. If copyrighted materials are included in marketing materials, the written permission of the copyright owner must be submitted to University Marketing & Communications when the marketing materials are submitted for review and approval. This policy applies to periodical articles, books and other printed material, artwork, photographs, video, website captures, and music. The payment of royalty fees for the use of copyrighted material is the sole responsibility of the department or individual using or reproducing the copyrighted material.

C. Use of Photographs and personal statements of individuals

With reference to photographs and/or personal statements of individuals to be used in marketing materials, appropriate consent from the subject, including employees and students, must be obtained utilizing approved consent forms obtained from University Marketing & Communications, unless the subject has previously provided a blanket written consent.

Photographs of minors require prior written consent of a parent or legal guardian. All signed consents and/or releases must be submitted for review and approval along with the applicable marketing material.

D. Websites

Any website of or pertaining to the University, including without limitation, any research program, academic program, social program, or community program must be approved by University Marketing & Communications prior to establishment and publication pursuant to the terms of this policy.

All new websites must be hosted on the University’s main servers and developed using the University’s content management system as of the effective date of this policy.

University Marketing & Communications has the authority under this policy to require that any website not in compliance with this policy be taken down.

E. Drexel University College of Medicine Marketing, Advertising and Promotional Materials

In conjunction with the official University policy above, this addendum provides additional policies specific to the College of Medicine.

The College of Medicine’s Marketing & Communications Department is designated to review and approve all marketing materials for the College of Medicine in order to ensure University compliance. In addition, marketing materials includes internet sites or postings publicizing patient care, community programs, social programs or academic programs.

The College of Medicine’s Marketing & Communications Department serves as the point of contact regarding all matters concerning a) review and approval of College of Medicine marketing materials, b) use of College of Medicine names, marks, and logos, c) use of copyrighted material in College of Medicine materials, d) use of photographs and personal statements of individuals in College of Medicine materials, and College of Medicine websites. 

1. Brand Identity

The words “Drexel University College of Medicine” must appear on every printed piece, unless “Drexel University” alone is more appropriate. In many cases, the College of Medicine logo will suffice. The phrase "Drexel Medicine" is a registered trademark and may not be used without written permission from the executive director of the College of Medicine's Marketing & Communications Department.

2. Use of Photographs and personal statements of individuals

Patients may not be photographed or interviewed for use in marketing materials without prior consultation and approval from the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel. Any College of Medicine patients are required to sign a valid HIPAA release in order to be included in marketing materials. Appropriate forms can be obtained from the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department.

3. Websites

Any website of or pertaining to the College of Medicine, including without limitation, any research program, academic program, social program, community program or patient-care program must be approved by the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department prior to establishment and publication/

Inquiries regarding this section should be directed to the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department at 267.359.6368 or