Early Childhood Education Scholarship

Funded by the ECE PDO at Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC)


The Early Childhood Education Scholarship funded by PHMC offers teachers who currently work in a childcare setting the opportunity to become certified PreK-4 teachers. The scholarship is also an alternative option to teachers who may not be eligible for the TEACH PA Scholarship. The scholarship covers 100% of a student’s tuition. Non-tuition expenses (books, lost compensation from student teaching, etc.) may also be covered. The scholarship covers at least 18 credit hours, the equivalent of 6 courses per year. Students will have the opportunity to renew their scholarship each year.

Which programs are covered by the scholarship?

What are the Eligibility Requirements?

  • You agree to all of the scholarship conditions listed in the OCDEL Commitment Form. You must agree to remain employed in Pennsylvania working with children ages 0 – 8 for a minimum of two years, immediately after graduation. This form must be signed and returned before the scholarship will be approved. Please email the Commitment Form to Dr. Michael Haslip at haslip@drexel.edu at the same time that you submit the Scholarship Application Form (see, “How do I Apply” below). 
  • You currently work in an early childhood education center for a minimum of 25 hours a week and are a PA resident
  • Students must work in one of the following counties to qualify for these funds at Drexel: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia. If you work outside these 5 counties, served by the PHMC PDO, please contact the PASHE PDO to determine which universities may offer the PDO scholarship in your county.
  • You do not qualify for the T.E.A.C.H. scholarship for some reason (e.g., your employer is not financially able to pay the 5% TEACH co-pay).
  • You qualify for T.E.A.C.H. but need to enroll in coursework sooner than T.E.A.C.H. can accommodate. For example, if T.E.A.C.H. funds are exhausted for the remainder of the academic year, or you are currently wait-listed for T.E.A.C.H. and want to start classes immediately, then this scholarship can fill the gap. 
  • Funds are only available for teachers working in a DHS-licensed childcare center/Keystone STARS program

How do I Apply?

Textbook Reimbursement Instructions


For questions about the Early Childhood Education Scholarship funded by PHMC, please contact Dr. Michael Haslip at haslip@drexel.edu