How to Apply for Readmission

Drexel University School of Education

Students who have not enrolled in courses for more than 4 consecutive terms (1 academic year) or have an “inactive” status with the university will need to apply for readmission to the School of Education. Applications for readmission are reviewed by the Admissions Committee within Drexel’s University’s Office of Admissions using criteria established by the academic programs in the School of Education.

You will need to apply for readmission if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • Took a leave of absence for four or more academic terms
  • Have not registered or enrolled for courses for four of more academic terms
  • Were academically dismissed and did not return for four or more academic terms
  • Dropped all courses during the add/drop period in the first term and did not return for a second term

How to Apply for Readmission to Drexel University's School of Education

Students who meet any of the criteria above can apply for readmission through the applications listed below. Before applying for readmission, students will need to:

  • Resolve any holds on your account (financial, academic, or judicial). To see if you have a hold, please log in to Drexel One. If you no longer have access to Drexel One, please contact Drexel Central.
  • Contact your program academic advisor to confirm the academic term when you would be eligible to return
  • Request copies of transcripts from any institutions you attended while away from Drexel University.
  • Students will also need to prepare an additional essay for their application that explains why they are applying for reinstatement to the University.

Apply for Readmission (indicate on the application that you have previously attended or been enrolled at Drexel)

Please note that it takes a few weeks to review readmission applications. Drexel University recommends that you apply no later than two months before the start of the term you wish to be admitted. There is no fee for applying for readmission to any School of Education program.