Sample Plan of Study

Drexel University School of Education

3-Year Master Plan of Study

Quarter Course Name
Course Name
Internship Credits
   Course 1
  Course 2
Quarter 1
EDUC 800: Educational Leadership and Change
 3.0 EDUC 815: Writing for Research, Publication, and Funding in Education
Quarter 2 EDUC 803: Educational Research Design I
 3.0 EEDD 888: Educational Leadership for Equity and Social Justice
Quarter 3
EDUC 835: Quantitative Research Methods and Data Analysis
 3.0 Concentration Course
Quarter 4 EDUC 836: Qualitative Research Methods and Data Analysis
 3.0 Concentration Course
Quarter 5 EDUC 837: Advanced Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis
 4.0 EDUC 845: Transformative Leadership: Finding One's Source
Quarter 6 EDUC 750: Introduction to Doctoral Study in Education  3.0 Concentration Course
 3.0 *Internship 1.0
Quarter 7 EDUC 810: Educational Research Design II

 4.0 Elective
 3.0 *Internship 1.0
Quarter 8 EDUC 801: Creative Strategies for Educational Leaders
 3.0 EDUC 818: Applied Research Study
 3.0 *Internship 1.0
Quarter 9 EDUC 880: Doctoral Seminar  1.0-1.5 Concentration Course
 3.0 *Internship 1.0
Quarter 10 EDUC 997: Doctoral Dissertation  2.0      
Quarter 11 EDUC 997: Doctoral Dissertation  2.0      
Quarter 12 EDUC 997: Doctoral Dissertation  2.0      

*Internship is for Special Education Leadership and Education Administration concentrations only.

Note: To move into EDUC 997 students must complete all core, research and concentration courses, and successfully pass his/her dissertation proposal defense. If not, students must enroll in EDUC I799: Pre EdD Seminar to allow additional time for students to work with their supervising professor and defend their dissertation proposal.


View required courses and requirements for Drexel's EdD in Educational Leadership and Management program.

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In addition to the traditional 3-year program, Drexel also offers a 1-course per term plan of study that can be completed in 5 years. This plan is ideal for students with demanding careers, busy home lives, or students who want to save money through tuition reimbursement plans offered by their employers.
View the EdD 5-year Plan of Study

Program Questions


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