Office of Comptroller

Contact your Research Accountant, Research Accounting Service, Office of the Comptroller.

Project Implementation

Award management includes all post-award activities that occur between the time the award is established in Drexel's financial system and when the closeout process begins for sponsored program accounts.

In addition to Drexel-specific processes and policies, each award includes terms and conditions that Drexel must comply with through the life of the award. Many Drexel units assist principal investigators and department administrators with this responsibility, including the Office of Research's Pre-Award and Compliance offices, Office of the Comptroller Research Accounting Services, and Procurement Services.

Project Administration

Learn about the roles of the Principal Investigator and the Research Accountant on the Office of the Comptroller's Research Accounting Services website.

View the roles

Financial Transactions Management

There are five overall principles to managing the financial transactions of sponsored research funds. Policies and procedures within Research Accounting Services have been developed in support of these principles. The five principles are consistency, timeliness, justification, documentation, and certification.

View the principles

Travel, Meals and Entertainment

The allowability of entertainment expenses on non-federal sponsored research awards depends upon the guidelines of the specific sponsor.

View the guidelines

Changes Requiring Prior Approval

Principal Investigators often want to make changes to the budget, which deviate from the proposal that was approved by the Sponsor. In some cases, it is necessary to request the prior approval of the Sponsor. In other instances, "internal", prior approval by Research Accounting Services is sufficient. The level at which approval may be granted depends upon the type of sponsored research award and the Sponsor's specific policies for that type of award.

Learn more about Prior Approval

Financial Management Problems

Learn about best practices regarding managing overspent or underspent research funds.

Read more about managing funds

Deposit Procedures Related to Research

All cash receipts related to an externally sponsored project must be coordinated through Research Accounting Services. All grants, contracts, subcontracts, consulting and other purchased service agreements that support basic and applied research, demonstration/evaluation, curriculum development, training, professional development, and professional and community service activities, including clinical service, are considered sponsored projects.

More info about Deposit Procedurs

No Cost Extension

A no-cost extension (“NCE”) extends the end date of a project without additional funding. NCE’s may be necessary in order to complete the work of the project. NCE requests are generally directed to the sponsor for approval; however, some sponsors permit the University’s business representative, the authorized institutional official, to approve or deny requests following sponsor-defined guidelines. If the sponsor must also approve the request, Research Accounting Services will formally submit the request on behalf of the Principal Investigator (“PI”).

View the guidelines

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