Annual Report

2023-2024 Academic Year

Message from the EVPRI

Drexel’s research and innovation ecosystem continued its upward trajectory during the 2023-2024 academic year. We achieved near record highs in externally sponsored research spending and in licensing revenue. The impact of our research enterprise cannot be measured by numbers alone. Most importantly, our community is addressing societal problems to develop impactful solutions. The key to our successes has been and will always be the people who are engaged in these noble efforts. Research never stops at Drexel, and it is our amazing community that makes these metrics a reality. Congratulations to the students, staff, and faculty whose passion, dedication, and intellect are engaged in research across our campuses.

This annual report offers a glimpse into some of the highlights and activities of this past academic year for the Office of Research & Innovation.


Aleister Saunders' Signature
Aleister Saunders
Professor and Executive Vice Provost for Research & Innovation


US Patent Issues
Invention Disclosures
License Agreements Signed
Research Expenditures
Licensing Revenue
As the University’s tech transfer office, Drexel Applied Innovation’s mission is to expand the impact of Drexel research through comprehensive tech transfer. 
Core Facilities
Research Core Facilities at Drexel University promote discovery, creativity, and impact by providing access to advanced instrumentation and services, expertise on experimental design and data analysis, and technical training to Drexel students, researchers, faculty, and external academic and industry partners.
The RBOT team's mission is to provide the foundation for operational and cultural excellence within the ORI.
The Regulatory Affairs & Research Compliance team comprises several programs, including HRPP-IRB, IACUC, Radiation Safety, IBC, Quality Assurance, and Research Compliance (Export Control, COI, and Research Integrity).
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for all pre-award and non-financial post-award management of sponsored activities that have resulted from a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement.

Investing in Research Resources & Tools

Scholar support through data tools, equipment, and affiliations.

Federal Research Statistical Data Centers provide qualified researchers access to extensive non-public micro-data from federal agencies, enabling advanced research across disciplines like economics, sociology, medicine, and criminology.

Drexel University has an enterprise license for LabArchives electronic research notebook (ERN) services for use by its faculty, researchers, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students in performing or learning research activities.

Academic, industry, and government are working together to solve societies most pressing current and future challenges. Through memberships and affiliations, we are facilitating collaborative research and development opportunities for faculty and students.

Supporting and Recognizing Research Excellence

Committees, funding, and awards related to research and innovation.
SSHRC scholars engage in activities that support different aspects of the research process, including writing retreats to support grant and publication writing, quarterly social events to support interdisciplinary networking, and much more.
Community Research Day
The Office of Research & Innovation financially supports a variety of seed funding opportunities that stimulate and support the development of new research projects, the expansion of existing projects, as well as recognition of outstanding research performance.
Faculty Awards
As a means of supporting the ongoing development of our research, scholarship, and creative activities, as well as recognizing excellence in teaching, scholarship, and professional service, the Office of Research & Innovation and the Office of Faculty Advancement manage numerous awards for research, scholarship, creativity, teaching, and professional service.
2023-2024 Research News Highlights
“the national and international reputations of Drexel’s biomedical scientists elevated the overall reputation of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.”
Kenny J. Simansky, PhD
Senior Vice Dean for Research, College of Medicine
Drs. Brian Wigdahl, Noreen Robertson, Kenny Simansky, Mauricio Reginato and Alessandro Fatatis represented Drexel during a site visit when the National Cancer Institute assigned the consortium comprehensive status.
Seven Drexel disciplines have joined the consortium partnership between Drexel and Thomas Jefferson University. The cancer center recently received the elite “comprehensive cancer center” designation from the National Cancer Institute, a vote of confidence in the consortium’s broadly interdisciplinary approach.

ORI Team & Partners

The Office of Research & Innovation takes pride in its vibrant teams, dedicated staff, and collaborative partners.
Drexel Applied Innovation provides technology licensing, industry sponsored research support, entrepreneurial training and venture creation services to support the impact endeavors of Drexel faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.
The Office of Research & Innovation is devoted to advocating for the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and applicable laws for all research endeavors.
The Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for reviewing and approving proposals for submission to external sponsors.
Welcoming New ORI Team Members
Please join in welcoming our new colleagues to the following teams.
Partners in Research: University Research Council
The council has representation from each of Drexel's academic units as well as leaders from administrative offices who support the University's research mission.

One Drexel

Drexel’s diverse committees, offices and colleges work together to support and guide researchers of all levels and expertise. During any step of the research process, our committed partners will be able to assist and advise the researcher on any obstacle they may face. These partners are the University Research Council, Research Administration Advisory Committee (RAAC), University Advisory Committee (UACs), Senate Committee on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (SCRSCA), Environmental Health & Safety (EHS), Drexel Libraries, Drexel Solutions Institutes, Graduate College, Office of Global Engagement, and the Office of Faculty Affairs.


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