The most common type of funding obtained at Drexel University is federal funding. Here are some tips for getting started.
Getting Started
Faculty and staff members who plan to request, or anticipate receiving, funding, should contact their Program Administrator. Involving your Program Administrator early and often will ensure that potential problems are resolved in advance and will result in a shorter, smoother turn-around and implementation of the research project.
The Program Administrators staff assigned to your unit are available to support your research endeavors and assist when you have questions. PAs provide support in a number of areas, including:
- Provide information and assistance with completion of administrative information.
- Review proposal for conformity to sponsor and University requirements.
- Review Internal Routing Record (COUES)
- Review budget
- Provide institutional signature
- Administer Subawards on Funded projects
Below is a list of several resources to help locate funding:
Working with your Pre-Award Administrator during the proposal submission process helps to ensure an on-time submission to the sponsor. Assemble and review the application materials carefully, then follow Drexel’s internal review, approval and submission processes to ensure that you meet the deadlines.
Review & approve
For the purposes of the Proposal Submission Deadline Procedure, all routings are considered complete once the equivalent of the dean's level approval has been secured.
Learn more about Review & Approve
For the purposes of the Proposal Submission Deadline Procedure, all routings are considered complete once the equivalent of the dean's level approval has been secured.
To ensure sufficient time for approval routing, we recommend that the "submit for approval" button be activated at least two (2) days prior to the internal deadline. When multiple departments or colleges are participating on a proposal, extra time should be built in to accommodate the additional approvals. Submitters should check with their individual units regarding any internal departmental policies that may be in effect for proposal review and submission at the unit level.
Drexel Organizational Information for Submissions
Legal Name: Drexel University
Address: Office of Research
3250 Chestnut Street, Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3443
Tax ID Number: 23-1352630
DUNS Number: 002604817
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI in SAM.gov): XF3XM9642N96
CAGE Number: 1JDU4
Entity Number: 23-1352630
Date of Tax Exemption: August 5, 1927
Tax Exempt Number:75-25633-4
FICE: 003256
SAM Registration Expiration Date: December 19, 2025
Commonwealth of PA SAP Number: 117558-014
City of Phila Tax ID: 1242643
Phila Business Privilege License#: 419382
Human Subjects Assurance Number (FWA): 00005917
Animal Welfare Assurance Number: A3222-01
AAALAC Continuing Accreditation: November 2012
NAICS Codes:
Research and Development in Nanotechology - 541713
Research and Development in Biotechnology (Except Nanobiotechnology) - 541714
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (Except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) - 541715
Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities - 541720
Colleges, Universities and Professional Schools - 611310
Type of Organization: Private, non-profit institution of higher education
Organizational code: 01
County: Philadelphia
Congressional District: PA-003
PA House District: PA-195
PA Senate District: PA-007
Checks Payable to:
Drexel University
TD Bank
PO Box 95000-1090
Philadelphia, PA 19195-1090
In the Note section of the check, please be sure to specify the investigator's name.
Timothy Raynor
Associate General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Drexel University
3020 Market Street, Suite 102
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: 215.895.1433
Fax: 215.895.1411
E-mail: timothy.j.raynor@drexel.edu
Cognizant F&A Agency: DHHS
Cohen Building - Room 1067
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20201
Contact: Ernest Kinneer, 214.767.3261
Rate Agreement Date: March 1, 2022
Cognizant Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
DCMA Philadelphia Branch Office
Attn: Commander’s Office
700 Robbins Ave, Bldg. 2D
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Cognizant Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
DCAA Pennsylvania Branch Office
Attn: Lori Aley
660 American Ave, Suite 302
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone No: 571.448.2105
Audit information
F&A rate agreement
Submission Deadlines
The Office of Research & Innovation strives to maximize the quality of proposals and consistently achieve on-time submission. Both sponsors and the Office of Research & Innovation have published deadlines and instructional guidance to make the process go smoothly.
Learn more about submission deadlines
Review all components of the completed proposal/application:
- Sponsor solicitation/application instructions;
- Conflict of Interest forms;
- Budget justification; and
- Subaward documents, when applicable.
- Compile and communicate all necessary revisions and recommended corrections until all components comply with sponsor guidelines.
- Make unlimited attempts to submit proposal to the sponsor until successful submission is confirmed.
To ensure that the Office of Research & Innovation can complete this review, submit your Completed Applications and Completed Coeus Records to the Office of Research & Innovation no later than three (3) business days before the sponsor due date.
Proposals submitted to the Office of Research & Innovation less than three (3) business days prior to the sponsor due date may not receive the full benefit of an administrative review, which may lead to rejection from the sponsor electronic submission system.
No proposal will be submitted to a sponsor without components (Completed Applications/Proposal and Complete Coeus Record). Proposals submitted to ORI after the deadline will not be reviewed but an attempt(s) will be made to submit to sponsors.
Proposal Submission Deadline Procedure [PDF]
Authorized Organizational Representative
The Office of Research & Innovation is the designated signatory for all proposals submitted on behalf of Drexel University and the Drexel University College of Medicine. The Authorized Organizational Representative with the authority to sign grant proposals, grant awards and grant-related contracts on behalf of Drexel University, rests with the Senior Vice Provost for Research and those with delegated authority.
Learn more about the Authorized Organizational Representative
Authorized Organizational Representative
All Applications, Including Grants.gov
Aleister J. Saunders, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Provost for Research & Innovation
Office of Research & Innovation
Drexel University
3250 Chestnut Street, Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3443
Telephone: 215-895-6091
Fax: 267-359-9026
E-mail: DUResearch@drexel.edu
Authorized Signer for Grants and Contracts
Sarah Saxton
Executive Director, Sponsored Programs
Office of Research & Innovation
Drexel University
3250 Chestnut Street, Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3443
Telephone: 215-895-6408
Fax: 267-359-9026
E-mail: DUResearch@drexel.edu
- Drexel Library Research Support
- Drexel University Libraries provides access to valuable tools and resources to support researchers of all levels from freshmen to faculty. Librarians provide expert research advice through one-on-one consultations, workshops, self-guided tutorials, and subject-related guides.
- Drexel University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Learn how the Drexel University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) has a key oversite role in evaluating projects which involve the use of use live vertebrate animals in research, teaching and testing.
- Drexel University Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
- The Drexel HRPP and Institutional Review Board (IRB) provide administrative and regulatory support to all those who are engaged in human subject research. Explore the resources and expertise they provide to ensure compliance with the policies, laws, and rules applicable to these projects.
- Drexel University Research Accounting Services
- Research Accounting Services works as a partner with Principal Investigator's and Department Administrators to manager the project from the time it is awarded all the way until it is closed out.
- Reporting information: (Non-Financial Post Award vs. Financial Post Award)
- The Office of Research & Innovation's Grants team handles most non-financial post award reporting that includes NIH non-financial reports (RPPR, JIT, PRAMS, and FRPPR). Financial reporting is handled by Research Accounting Services.
Drexel Applied Innovation provides technology licensing, industry sponsored research support, entrepreneurial training and venture creation services to support the impact endeavors of Drexel faculty, postdocs and graduate students.
The Technology Licensing team manages invention disclosures from Drexel researchers, develop and protect intellectual property, ensure Bayh-Dole compliance and manage various agreements such as technology license agreements, option agreements, material transfer agreements (MTA), inter-institutional agreements (IIA) and provisions related to IP in sponsored research agreements (SRA) and joint research agreements (JRA). The Technology Licensing team typically sees 100 inventions disclosures, executes 10-15 license agreements and files 40-70 new patent applications per year. Drexel University has also has averaged 45 issued US patents per year between 2015 and 2019.
The Entrepreneurial Development team provides education programs to help researchers develop new university-industry relationships and explore commercialization through startups via NSF I-Corps. Drexel University works closely with the Upstate New York I-Corps Node led by Cornell University to run I-Corps offerings for Drexel innovators. The Entrepreneurial Development team also co-manages ic@3401, a community of innovators and startup founders, with the University City Science Center. ic@3401 members have raised over $80M in investment capital since its re-launch in 2015. Drexel Applied Innovation also provides gap funding through the Proof of Concept Academy – the program launched in 2018 has awarded $200K across 4 entrepreneurial teams resulting in over $4.4M in outside capital.
Drexel Resources:
- Career Pathways training in the DrexelOne portal
- Training Materials
- ORI Resources
Additional Resources on the Web:
If you are student at Drexel and interested in research you should first contact your department chair or department administrator.
- Fellowships
- Fellowships are grants that support the educational experience of the recipient. Fellowships may be research related or non-research activities. These funds are not considered compensation for performance. The purposes of a fellowship are to enhance the academic experience and career growth.
- Are there different types of fellowships?
- Some Sponsors use the term fellowship to support individuals who are actually participating in a defined research project in which deliverables are expected. The funds are considered compensation for performance. This type of fellowship represents an employment relationship. It is important to carefully read the sponsor’s guidelines to determine which type of fellowship the sponsor is offering and the implications for proposal processing, budgeting, deliverables, award acceptance, and award management.
- Who normally funds fellowships?
- Many sponsors fund fellowships; however, the most common are foundations, NSF (graduate Research Fellowship Program) and NIH “F” programs.
Resources for solicitations can be found here: