Guidelines, Procedures & Training

Drexel University’s Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) is committed to ensuring a culture of compliance through the responsible conduct of research consistent with best practices for quality, integrity, and regulatory requirements of research conducted by Drexel University.  As part of our on-going support and education to the Drexel University Research Community, each component (e.g., COI, IACUC, and IRB) has specific policies and procedures available on their respective sites, in addition ORI has developed the following guidelines, policies, and procedures.

ORI-006 Addressing Harassment and Discrimination in Research

These procedures define and outline Drexel University’s Office of Research and Innovation’s (ORI) response to allegations or concerns related to harassment, bullying, retaliation, hostile working conditions, or other unsafe environments. This includes the responsibilities of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) and Institutional Official (IO).

ORI-006 Addressing Harassment and Discrimination in Research (Version 001, 12/2/2024) [PDF]


ORI-004 Procedures for Drexel Research Agent Eligibility and Responsibilities

These procedures define the role of the Drexel Research Agent and outline the eligibility, responsibilities, and expectations for the Drexel Research Agent engaged in research activities, funded programs, projects, or related activities under the oversight of ORI (e.g., HRPP-IRB, IACUC, OSP).

ORI-004 Procedures for Drexel Research Agent Eligibility and Responsibilities (Version 001, 04/17/2024) [PDF]


ORI-002 Procedures for Principal Investigator Eligibility and Responsibilities

These procedures support the University’s efforts to define eligibility and overall responsibilities of PI’s in undertaking research, funded programs, projects, or related activities under the oversight of ORI (e.g., HRPP-IRB, IACUC, OSP).

ORI-002 Procedures for Principal Investigator Eligibility and Responsibilities (Version 001, 11/01/2023) [PDF]


ORI-003 Departing Faculty Guideline and Checklist

These guidelines and checklist support the University’s efforts to ensure notification of the appropriate central research offices and promote continuity in research activities when Faculty’s status changes or they depart the institution.

ORI-003 Departing Faculty Guideline and Checklist (Version 001, 11/01/2023) [PDF]

ORI-101 Procedures for Research Blood Draws

These procedures support the University’s efforts to protect human subjects and Drexel University Agents while minimizing institutional risk in conducting blood draws for research purposes.

ORI-101 Procedures for Research Blood Draws (Version 001, 02/10/2023) [PDF]


ORI-201 Community Advisory Board Member Guideline

These guidelines support the University’s efforts to provide best practices for selection, recruitment, and establishment of payment mechanisms and agreement types for Community Advisory Boards (CAB).

ORI-201 Community Advisory Board Member Guideline (Version 001, 09/01/2023) [PDF]



Please contact Cassandra Myers, Associate Vice Provost, Research Compliance and Regulatory Affairs with any questions or additional best practice topic areas at

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