Security Guidelines

Drexel University ensures the safety and security of its campus community by complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations, enforcing its own official University Policies related to public safety, and establishing safety rules and guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct. Some common security rules and guidelines are outlined below.


Drexel University prohibits the possession or use of any weapons capable of inflicting serious bodily injury on any and all University buildings and property, including vehicles parked in our garages and on our lots. Per Drexel policy, only certain individuals approved by the University may be given authority to carry, keep and handle pistols, firearms and/or ammunition.

What Is Allowed on Campus or in a Campus Building?

The Student Code of Conduct provides comprehensive guidance on what can and cannot be brought onto campus or kept inside a campus building. Please review the handbook for information on topics such as bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards and motorcycles, weapons, smoking and pets.

Building Access

Most Drexel University buildings are equipped with card readers to allow individuals with a Drexel Identification Card (known as a DragonCard) to enter. Individuals may be asked to produce their DragonCard upon request from a Public Safety officer or other university official when on or in any University-owned property. For current information about building hours and access on the University City Campus, please review the Building Access Guidelines. Access control privileges are determined by university administrators based on specific needs and requirements of the University and the cardholder.

Individuals are not permitted to use someone else's DragonCard, lend their card to anyone or tamper with it in any way. The cardholder is responsible to report immediately a lost or stolen card or one that fails to operate correctly. More information is provided by the DragonCard Office.

Residence Halls

All University residence halls require students to use their DragonCard to enter their assigned building 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Residence hall main entrances are staffed 24 hours a day. During late night hours, security officers monitor building access. Guests are required to show ID and follow all Drexel policies and procedures. Residents are responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests at all times.

For a complete list of residence hall policies and guidelines, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct. Additional information about residence halls is provided by University Housing.

Alcohol and Drugs

The possession, use, distribution or sale of narcotics or drugs, other than those medically prescribed, properly used and stored in the original container, by students, staff or visitors on University property or while on University business is prohibited. Off-campus possession, use, distribution, or sale of narcotics or drugs by students or staff are inconsistent with the University's policies and goals, a violation of local and state laws, and therefore prohibited. Any and all types of drug paraphernalia including, but not limited to bongs, pipes, and any items modified or adapted so that they can be used to consume drugs are not permitted on University property.

Drexel's policy regarding alcohol is consistent with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The consumption, distribution, or service of alcoholic beverages must comply with the Pennsylvania Liquor and Crimes Code, which defines the lawful consumption and service of alcohol and prescribes sanctions for violations.

The University's policies on substance abuse and alcoholic beverages are outlined in the Student Conduct Policies, along with related information on University sanctions for violation of these policies, criminal sanctions for the illegal possession or distribution of drugs and alcohol, health risks of drugs and alcohol, and places to get help concerning the illicit use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. Drexel employees can also review the Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy (HR-11).

Sexual Assault

Drexel University seeks to foster a safe and healthy environment based on trust and respect. The University is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, including discrimination based on sex and gender, and has a zero-tolerance policy concerning any and all forms of sexual harassment and misconduct. Please consult Drexel University's Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy (CR-2) and the Title IX Resource Page for more information.