Victim Services

Support Services

As Drexel Public Safety works diligently to promote a safe and secure campus community, Drexel University provides a strong support network for those in our community who become victims of violent crime.

Public Safety's Victim Services Coordinator provides the following services to students and employees who are victims of crime:

  • emotional and crisis support;
  • court accompaniment;
  • answering questions about police and court procedures;
  • intervention in matters of harassment and intimidation;
  • referral to Drexel Counseling Center;
  • assistance filing for Victims Compensation (if eligible);
  • assistance obtaining Protection from Abuse Orders; and
  • assistance filing private criminal complaints.

Why Report a Violent Crime or Assault?

Reporting a crime does not require you to file criminal charges, but it does connect you to available support systems. Whether or not you decide to prosecute, reporting the incident may save someone else from becoming a victim. If you are seeking help and guidance, you can do so anonymously.

While it is strongly encouraged to report the crime immediately while evidence is still new, nonjudgmental support is still available if you do not reach out right away.

Important Steps to Take

Seek Medical Help

Try to seek medical attention immediately. Call 215.895.2222 or 911 for help.

Preserve Evidence

If you are the victim of a violent crime, preserve all evidence of the incident:

  • Document as much as you can recall about the assault/crime and perpetrator
  • Preserve all electronic communications related to the assault/crime and perpetrator (e.g. text messages, emails, social media messages, etc.)
  • Do not clean or remove anything from the scene of the assault/crime
  • Do not bathe or brush your teeth
  • Do not wash or discard clothing


Reporting Contacts
Emergency (Philadelphia Police) 911
Emergency (Drexel Police) 215.895.2222
Victim Services Coordinator 215.895.6921
Title IX Coordinator 215.895.3840
Philadelphia Sexual Assault Response Center (PSARC) 215.425.1625
Philadelphia Special Victims Unit (SVU) 215.685.3250 / 215.685.3251
Counseling Resources
University City Counseling Center 215.895.1415
Center City Counseling Center 215.762.7625
Crisis Hotlines
Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR) 215.985.3333
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) 800.656.HOPE

Amy Spiller

Amy L. Spiller

Victim Services Coordinator
Drexel University Public Safety
267.542.3569 (cell)