Crime Tipline

If you are reporting a crime in progress, are the victim of a crime, or require emergency service, please dial 9-1-1 or 215.895.2222 from a phone now.

Members of the Drexel community may report information related to a crime or suspicious activity using the form below, or by calling 215.895.2222. In order to promote the safety and security of our campus, it is important to report this information to Drexel's Department of Public Safety, even if these reports are anonymous. Information submitted will help Public Safety maintain accurate records of incidents, determine crime patterns and alert the campus community to potential dangers.

As we take these reports seriously, please do not report false information. If you choose to remain anonymous, please do not include your contact information.

Please note: The Crime Tipline is not monitored 24/7. You can expect a response within the next business day of your report. If your matter requires immediate attention, or if you are unsure, it is best to call Public Safety at 215.895.2222. You will never be penalized for calling, and you can always choose to remain anonymous.

Crime Tipline