Prevention Programs

Prevention Programs

Community involvement is essential to the success of public safety at Drexel. The Department of Public Safety offers crime prevention and awareness programs to help educate students, faculty and professional staff about how to promote a secure and productive environment.

Use the links below to jump to a specific program:

Your Safety Is Our Goal

your safety is our goal graphic

Public Safety is offering virtual, interactive, monthly presentations on situational preparedness. Students living in a new city and attending college are susceptible to encountering dangerous situations. Being aware of your surroundings and recognizing situations that are potentially dangerous are key to keeping yourself safe. Although there are some public safety factors that cannot be controlled, there are measures students can take to prevent themselves from being victims of a crime. DPS will provide tips to encourage students to think and act accordingly—not to be scared, but to be prepared. If a student is the victim of a crime, it is vital that they report it promptly to Drexel Police so that the crime can be investigated and Public Safety can connect the student with proper resources.

These presentations are hosted by Drexel's Community Relations Officers, and though they are focused on students, they are open to the entire Drexel community. If you have a community or group you would like us to present to, or would like to propose a presentation time, please contact Officer Tom Cirone at to schedule based on your availability.

Public Safety & U (Workplace Safety Program)

The Public Safety & U workplace safety program highlights the importance of workplace safety through workshops and discussions designed to empower and educate members of the Drexel community on how to manage security issues on campus. Campus safety at a large urban university is dependent on many groups working together. This program educates the University community about the resources and roles of Drexel Public Safety, the Drexel University Police Department, and the Public Safety Communications Center. This program relies on interactive audio-visuals, live demonstrations and an open discussion forum to engage participants.

Through face-to-face interaction with public safety officials, this program provides a valuable opportunity to build relationships and encourage collaboration, while tackling important issues such as workplace safety, the challenges associated with an urban environment, and active shooter awareness and education.

This program can be customized to the specific needs of an administrative department or academic college or school to address unique security challenges and identify solutions. If interested in organizing a workshop session, please complete the Request a Presentation Form.

Property Registration Program

All students, faculty and professional staff are encouraged to register their bikes, skateboards, computers, laptops, cell phones and larger headphones with the Department of Public Safety. The goals of this program are to heighten awareness in the University community, deter would-be thieves, and provide law enforcement with valuable crime-solving information.

This free program takes only a few minutes to complete and includes:

  • Documentation of property description, serial number and owner information;
  • Engraving your property with a registration number;
  • A registration program sticker applied to your property; and
  • An information booklet.

Registration can be completed at Drexel Police Headquarters at 3219 Arch Street. For more information, call 215.895.2222.

Self-Awareness for Everyone (SAFE)

SAFE Classes QR code

Public Safety’s self-protection program, SAFE, aims to give Drexel students, faculty and staff the practical skills, resources and knowledge to increase their personal safety and protect themselves in an unsafe situation. The program focuses on your mindset, self-awareness, techniques that could assist in the event of a physical assault, and information on how and to whom you should report incidents and any safety concerns.

SAFE classes begin with a brief overview of the class and explanation of the reporting processes, mindset and various free services provided by DPS. We will focus on stances and patterns of movement, then give a general overview of striking (such as punching palm strikes). We will also explain how to kick and knee properly, as well as how to defend against arm grabs and some chokes. We then transition to defense from both arm grabs and body grabs, and then explore various techniques from the ground (for example: how to defend against an assailant that is sitting on top of you).

These three-hour classes are offered on specific Mondays and Saturdays each month. Due to the hands-on nature of the class, we strongly recommend that you register with a fellow Dragon. Participation in the techniques is recommended, but not required. Our scheduled classes and registration can be found on Eventbrite. You can also request a class if you have a larger group that you would like to schedule outside of our monthly class dates.

About the Instructors

Instructors are comprised of a group of personnel from different parts of the University, including the police department, public safety, and other departments. They undergo a rigorous training course with emphasis on learning the techniques taught in this class. Most of the techniques were influenced by several forms of martial arts such as: Tang Soo Do, Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu, with emphasis on gross motor-skill movements.

Register on Eventbrite

Safe Transaction Zone at Public Safety HQ

If you need a safe, public space in which to meet someone to complete an online transaction, you can use the front lobby of the Drexel University Police Station (3219 Arch Street), which is under 24-hour video surveillance and open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.