Report a Student Trip

Pursuant to the Clery Act, Drexel University is required to disclose annually certain reported crime statistics that occur during University sponsored/arranged domestic and international student trips. Drexel community members who are administratively responsible for these trips are expected to report this trip information to the Department of Public Safety for compliance. If you are administratively responsible for domestic and international student trips, please complete the Report a Student Trip Form in Qualtrics.

Report a Student Trip Form

We request this information to follow up with the local law enforcement agency associated with the trip location. Drexel Public Safety will request that this agency determine if any Clery Act qualifying crimes (occurring during the trip timeframe and at the University-arranged accommodation and/or related academic space) were reported directly to the local law enforcement and thus may not be known to University personnel.

If you have any questions on whether your trip should be reported, please contact the Department of Public Safety by email or by phone at 215.895.0368.

When to Report a Trip

Type of Student Trip Accommodations Length of Trip Report this Trip?
(per Clery Act guidelines)
University-sponsored day trip None Day trip No
Overnight school-sponsored trips Non-reoccurring / One-time unique occurrence No more than 1 night No
Student-organized or private trips
(no university sponsorship)
  Day trip or 1 night or more No
University-sponsored trips with repeated use of location
(The University has a written agreement with end provider for trip accommodations and/or academic space for use of the accommodations or space. This includes any trips arranged by third party entities on behalf of the University.)
Repeated use of location. The same accommodations are used every year or more frequently. 1 night or more Yes
University-sponsored short stay-away trips
(The University has a written agreement with end provider for trip accommodations and/or academic space for use of the accommodations or space. This includes any trips arranged by third party entities on behalf of the University.)
You do not anticipate using the same accommodations every year. More than 1 night Yes