Safety Tips

Drexel University's Department of Public Safety encourages students, faculty and professional staff to educate themselves about University safety services.

Your safety and security are of the utmost importance. In the event of an emergency follow the instructions from authorities and the information posted on our website at

Getting yourself to safety should be a priority, and you should only alert others to your situation when you are completely out of danger. During a crisis situation, it is important to keep your friends and family informed that you are safe.

Here is a list of things you should know.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Emergencies: 215.895.2222 or 9-1-1

215.895.2222 connects you with a dispatcher from the Drexel University Public Safety Communications Center. Add this number to your mobile phone contacts as "Drexel Public Safety." You may also dial this number to request a walking escort or to report a lost item.

DrexelALERT Emergency Notification System

DrexelALERT is an emergency notification system that provides fast dissemination of critical information to Drexel students, faculty and professional staff via text messaging and email to many devices.

DrexelALERT's effectiveness depends upon individuals providing accurate personal contact information. To confirm your contact information:

  • Log in to DrexelOne (using your Drexel User ID (abc123) and password).
  • Select the Welcome tab in the main menu bar.
  • Select Drexel Alert under the Safety and Security header.
  • Update your contact information and select Submit.

Sign Up for City Alerts With ReadyPhiladelphia

The Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management has an alert system called ReadyPhiladelphia, which anyone can sign up for to receive updates and advisories about emergency updates, road closures, severe weather advisories and transit delays for the city overall. To receive text alerts, simply text "ReadyPhila" to 888-777. You can also read more information and sign up on the City of Philadelphia website.

Drexel Guardian

Drexel Guardian turns your cell phone into a personal safety device. When you call from a cell phone registered with Drexel Guardian, the Public Safety Communications Center can access your information, including name and current location, to respond quickly during an emergency. To activate this service, you must register your phone and download the Rave Guardian application:

Walking Escorts

Public Safety offers walking escorts within our patrol boundaries in University City upon request, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. University City District Ambassadors also provide walking escorts from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. between 30th and 42nd streets from Wallace Street to Woodland Avenue, and from 42nd to 50th streets from Market Street to Woodland Avenue. To request an escort, call 215.895.2222, use a blue-light emergency phone, or ask any Public Safety officer on patrol.

Drexel Bus Service

Drexel University Real Estate and Facilities runs free shuttles for students, faculty and professional staff to and from all three Philadelphia campuses. For current schedules visit the Bus Service Schedules webpage.

Please direct questions to: | 215.895.1700

Emergency Telephones

Emergency telephones are located throughout the University City, Center City and Queen Lane campuses. These phones automatically contact the Drexel University Public Safety Communications Center and indicate the caller's exact location.

Building Access

Students, faculty and professional staff should carry their Drexel ID card (DragonCard) with them at all times to access campus buildings. For current information about University City building access, review the Building Access Guidelines implemented by the Department of Public Safety.

Know Where You Are

If you find yourself in an emergency situation – or any situation in which you need to call for help – you’ll need to provide accurate information about where you are so the helpers can find you. Make sure you’re aware of the official street address of your residence and the classrooms, labs and/or offices you frequent. Look for posted emergency signage that tells you the building name, street address and room/floor number. Remember, the Guardian app can also help Drexel Public Safety locate you in an emergency through GPS technology when you activate it.

Does your campus building need emergency signage? Use the links below to download customizable signage for your location:

Preventing Theft on Campus

Most crimes on campus are unattended thefts. Theft leaves victims susceptible to the loss of important/personal items and potential identity theft. Safeguard your valuables by taking these simple steps:

  • Keep your personal items with you or secured at all times.
  • Always lock and never prop doors.
  • Secure your bicycle with a U-Lock (or multiple locks).
  • Register your bikes, skateboards, computers, laptops, cell phones, larger headphones and other valuables with Drexel Public Safety's free service (bring items to 3219 Arch Street).
  • Remove personal and electronic items from vehicles that are in plain view.
  • If you have packages delivered to your home, take precautions to avoid theft. Do not leave packages outside for long periods of time. Arrange for alternative delivery options or make sure someone is present to receive the delivery.
  • Report suspicious activity to Drexel Police by calling 215.895.2222 or from any emergency phone.
  • If you need a safe, public space in which to meet someone to complete an online transaction, you can use the front lobby of the Drexel University Police Station (3219 Arch Street), which is under 24-hour video surveillance and open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Rideshare Safety

Exercise best judgement and caution when using ridesharing services.

  1. Request Your Ride Inside: Minimize the time you stand alone outside. Wait inside until your driver arrives.
  2. Check Your Ride: Make sure you are getting into the right car with the right driver. Match the license plate, car make and model, and driver’s photo with what is on your app.
  3. What's My Name: Ask the driver to confirm your name before you get into the car.
  4. Be a Back-Seat Rider: Whenever possible, sit in the back seat. This helps ensure that you can safely exit the car on either side and gives you some personal space.
  5. Share Your Trip Details With Loved Ones: When en route, tap "Share Trip Status" to share trip information with a friend or family member. They will receive a text or push notification that tracks your trip and estimated time of arrival.
    Additionally, the Drexel Guardian app includes a Safety Timer as well as a one-touch emergency dialing feature.
  6. Protect Your Personal Information: Most ridesharing apps will also anonymize your phone number when you call or message your driver through the app and mask your pickup and drop-off addresses in a driver's trip history. Do not share additional personal information with your driver.
  7. Follow Your Intuition: Trust your instincts and use your best judgement when using a ridesharing service. If you sense an urgent situation, call 911 immediately. Most services allow the user to call 911 directly through the app, so real-time location and trip details can be shared with the dispatcher.
  8. Wear Your Seat Belt: Seat belts help save lives and reduce injuries related to car crashes.

Safety Practices

Safety and security are shared responsibilities. Here are some basic safety precautions you can take to prevent potential campus threats:

  • Walk in well-lit areas and avoid using darker, quieter alleys or low-occupancy / vacant passages, especially at night. Stay aware of your surrounding and avoid distractions from smartphones, headsets and other mobile devices, particularly when crossing the street and late at night.
  • Keep your belongings close to your body. If your wallet, phone, backpack or purse is taken, don't fight; give it up immediately and then call 9-1-1.
  • Do not flash smartphones, money or credit cards around in public. Have your key out and ready when walking to your car or home door.
  • Avoid talking to strangers or responding to panhandlers. Never hitchhike or accept a ride from an unknown person.
  • Practice the buddy system whenever possible, particularly when going out to a party, bar, club or taking public transit at night. Always identify a designated driver or have a ride home arranged if you will be drinking.
  • Never leave your drink unattended at a social event. If a friend becomes disoriented or unusually intoxicated, take them to a safe space and call for help immediately.
  • Keep apartment / house doors and windows locked, and valuables stored out of sight.
  • Keep car doors locked and remove all valuables from sight, even loose change.
  • Do not prop open building doors. Report suspicious persons inside campus buildings.
  • Obey all vehicle and bike traffic laws. Practice safe biking by wearing a helmet and other protective gear.
  • Be aware of your surroundings, trust your instincts, and practice common sense.
  • Report suspicious behavior to Drexel Police by calling 215.895.2222.

Online Security and Identity Theft

Be selective and cautious when entering personal information online. Only use websites that you recognize and trust. Take the necessary precautions to avoid email scams, viruses, phishing and spam. Visit Drexel University Information Technology's website for additional information on internet and computer safety.