CSA Crime Statistics Reporting

This form is intended for completion by Drexel University Campus Security Authorities (CSAs).

The Department of Public Safety collects crime data to determine patterns of criminal activity so we can act quickly and effectively to ensure proper safety measures. As CSAs become aware of crimes on Drexel University campuses, they should report these crimes to the Department of Public Safety by completing the form below. Submitting crime information provides Public Safety with important data that is used for mandated statistical reporting and for compiling an annual security report required under the Clery Act. Drexel Public Safety is required to comply with all federal and state mandates for disclosing crime information. Please review Crime Reporting Definitions [PDF] for more information, including a list of crime definitions.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 9-1-1 or call Drexel's Public Safety Communication Center at 215.895.2222.

If you have questions about this form or Clery Act crime reporting, please contact Public Safety at 215.895.1550 or cleryact@drexel.edu.

CSA Crime Statistics Form